Drunk and Makeup

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My relationship with Austin was usually pretty smooth sailing, but we had our arguments like any other couple. One night, I decided to set up a romantic night in for him and me as he was away filming Elvis for the past 10 months. I went the whole nine yards; I cooked his favorite meal using his mother's recipes, deep cleaned his apartment and got dressed up to the nines in the tight red dress he loved.  I planned on him being home around 7:30 pm as he was due to finish filming his scenes for the day around 7.  

I get to his apartment and get everything plated and set up for my love's arrival.  I decided to change into my dress and boots that laced up to my thighs at his place so nothing would be wrinkled. I stood in his living room ready to celebrate with him right at 7:30. 10 minutes go by, and he hadn't arrived yet. Another 10 goes by, and another. By 8:45, I was pretty certain he wouldn't be home anytime soon, so I slip my shoes off and lay on his couch allowing myself to doze off. Around 10 pm, I hear his door open and his heavy footsteps walking towards me. His hand goes to my shoulder, gently shaking me to rouse me from my slumber.  My eyes fly open, and I sit up, pushing his hand away. " Where have you been?" I ask, a slight tone of anger in my voice. He looks at me confused by my reaction. " I've been filming. Baz wanted to redo a few scenes since they weren't what we thought were best for the final product" he says nonchalantly.

 My anger starts to bubble in my stomach, and I can't hold it back much longer. " So, you didn't think to maybe let me know you weren't coming home till late?!" I yell, staring him directly in the eyes. Hes taken aback by my reaction and starts to get a bit angry himself. " Last time I checked, I didn't tell you to come over here after I finished tonight!" He yells, his eyes set ablaze with anger. My anger bubbles over and I say something I wished I never said; " Ya know, maybe we shouldn't be together anymore. Since you clearly can't appreciate when someone you love does something sweet for you and you come home acting like you don't even care!" His face drops at my words as I grab my jacket and storm out of the apartment, hot tears running down my face. I walk and just keep on walking until I get to my old neighborhood and see O Malley's, my favorite bar from when I was in college. I wipe my eyes and walk in the door to see my favorite bartender Brandi was still working behind the bar. 

She spots me walking in and sees that I'm upset. I sit down on the same worn-out stool that I did in college, and she looks at me with a look of worry and concern. " Sugar, why the long face?" she asked, placing her hand on top of mine in a motherly way.  My tears start to fall down my face and hit the bar top as I tell her what had transpired that night. She knows just what I needed and starts to whip up the same drink that she always made when I came in upset. She pours it into a glass and places it in front of me and I gulp it down. She knows I'm a lightweight and tells me to make sure I don't drink too much and get myself sick. The guys in the bar were familiar to me as I had gone to college with them start buying multiple rounds of shots. I take two at a time and down them faster than they come out. By a few shots in, I am pretty drunk and not thinking clearly. I take out my phone and call the one person that always came and took care of me when I was like this; Austin picked up on the first ring. 

" Where are you at? I'm coming to get you" he says, a heavy tone of fear in his voice. " I'm at O Malley's. I had a few drinks and it made me think about our fight earlier. I'm sorry I got mad at you" I said, slurring my words. " Its ok baby, I'm sorry I didn't appreciate what you did tonight. I should have and I love you" he says. " I'm right outside. Come out and well go home, together" I head outside and get into his car. He puts his hand on my leg and drives us back to his apartment. Once we get home, he scoops me up out of his car and carries me bridal style up to his apartment and into his bedroom. He gently puts me on the bed and then heads out to his kitchen to retrieve water and aspirin for the next morning. He sets them on the bedside table and then helps me to clean myself up and gets into bed. His arms wrap me up and pull me into his chest, rubbing my back to help me sleep. All of the anger from earlier in the night melted away and we fell asleep together, ready to take on the world together.  

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