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"I-I don't think that I can..." Laurie shut his eyes and turned away. He felt a hand grip his chin and turned his face forward.

"Don't think you can...?" His eyebrow quirked up. He loosened his tie and began working on the buttons on Laurie's shirt.

"I-I can't-" He was cute off by a firm but sloppy kiss.

"You can, you'll learn. You're still in training," he brushed the hair out of Laurie's eyes, "you said that you'd be in my care from now on." He growled and pinned up the younger boy against the wall.

Laurie jolted awake. His hair was a mess, his face was a mess, his mind was an absolute mess. That dream, it felt so real. He wished it could've finished, at least one more rough kiss...... He ran his fingers across his lips and sighed. One last rough kiss.


When Laurie walked into the office that morning, Peter was no where to be found. His computer wasn't on either. Laurie rolled a chair over and laid his things on the ground.

He pulled out his notebook and tried to go over his notes from the previous day, bit couldn't keep focus at all. All he could think about was his dream from earlier, his trainer pushing him around the rook, using him how ever he wanted to.

"-ey, hey!" Something cold pressed up against Laurie's face, he jolted around, it was none other than Peter.

"That deep in thought, ay?" His eyebrow quirked up, "Anything interesting going on in that head of yours?" Laurie could feel himself slowly growing red, he didn't know how to respond.

Peter pushed back his chair and threw himself down. He was holding two drinks and he set it down on the desk gently. Two iced coffees. He shrugged off his suit jacket, then slid a coffee over to Laurie's end.

"Didn't know what you wanted, so I just got you my usual. You seem like you like sweet things." Everything was happening way too fast, was this the same up tight Peter from yesterday?

"You um, also seem like an iced coffee sort of lad too." Peter cleared his throat and took a swig of his drink. Did he just say what Laurie thought he said? Did that mean what he thought it meant?

"Ah...... thank you...?" Laurie didn't know how to respond. His eyes met his trainer's and the hazel eyes widened immediately.

"Oh God, I didn't mean, I just meant, you're wearing a thick sweater again and it gets hot in the office and I didn't mean to say, dear God that's harassment..." Peter trailed off and ruffled his hair not knowing what else to say.

"Thanks, it's good," Laurie murmured taking another sip of his drink, he didn't know if he should responded to the iced coffee comment and hesitated. "Guess I am an iced coffee sort of lad, are yo-"

"Good morning! Laurie, Peter! How was your first day yesterday?" Makayla popped up out of no where, and at a good time at that, had Laurie really tried to ask Peter that??

The two recounted their days and soon their boss bid the two of them a small wave and was on her way. The two men sat awkwardly at the desk, huddled close staring into the monitor.

After the incident, Peter went back to his straight laced self. He meant business and did his best to set a good example for Laurie. Laurie was glad that his trainer seemed unfazed by their earlier exchange.

As the day went on, things became less awkward, and Laurie didn't freeze up as much when Peter would pause to ask him questions, making sure that he was understanding what was being taught.

When it was time for Laurie to clock out, he slowly started gathering his things and slipping them into his bag.

"U-um, it's-" Laurie pipped up.

"Time for you to leave?" Peter offered. Laurie nodded, glad that Peter has finished his sentence.

"Okay then, head home safe Laurie, thanks for your hard work today." Laurie nodded again and waved and with that, he began to head out.

"Ah, wait!" A voice called out to him. Laurie turned around to see his co-worker with his hands cupped around his mouth, "I'm an iced coffee kind of lad too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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