Chapter 1 - Summer Break.

Start from the beginning

Evan: "Has it been really three years?"

Alex: "It happened a couple days after my birthday."

Frank: "May 25th . ."

Jack: "What's today?"

Evan: "29th."

Jack: "So . . Yesterday was . ."

I would nod.

Alex: "I guess everyone here found out about their deaths and call me a 'freak'."

Jack: "I fail to see why. It's unusual and practically unfair that people like that would make fun of you because of their deaths."

Alex: "Karma will get to them."

Frank: "Anyway . . My mom wanted to ask if you'd want to come to Hawaii. I know it's something your parents would want you to do to get away from the house."

I chuckle and look out the window to watch the rain fall. It was quite a bit dark too because of the clouds.

Alex: "Tell her that I'll be alright . . I need to be down here anyway to visit my uncle's family soon. I still keep my parents garden going and give them vegetables and fruit like how my parents always usually did."

Jack: "Try not to have too much fun without us."

I look back at the other three.

Alex: "Same goes with you guys. I'd love to surf."

Frank: "No kidding, that's why I'm looking forward to this."

Some students began to walk back into the class. Some liked to each their lunches in the cafeteria or in classrooms. Class was about to start.

But a girl would walk over. She was blonde.

Frank: "Look out, new girl is coming over."

Evan: "It's already been a couple months Frank."

Alex: "I forgotten she was in this class."

She stopped infront of us and smiled.

???: "Hello there."

We all gave her a small wave.

Frank: "Yo."

Evan: "What's going on."

Jack: "Hello."

I just stayed quiet. I looked back at the window to advert my gaze since I knew she was going to talk to the three. I also put my hood back up. But something surprised me.

???: "Is Alex Rose over here?"

Evan: "Yea? Why?"

???: "I just wanted to talk to him really quick . ."

Alex: "You've been here for a couple months and now you decide to talk to me?"

I look over at her, but with one eye. My red eye. My other eye was behind the hood. I came off a bit rude and intimidating.

But she kept smiling.

???: "I'm sorry . . I was honestly wanting to talk to you back then but there was a lot of rumours about you . . I wanted to confront you about them, but you we're always gone or somewhere else. But luckily I caught you."

I sigh and look away.

Jack: "Look . . Miss . . He's already been through a lot and if you are here to make fun of him-"

???: "No No! That's not what I'm here for at all!"

I turn to look at her, confused.

Alex: "Then . . What did you come for?"

Fractured (Female Creepypasta Story)(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now