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After eating at the Café, they decided to go to the mall. Kiyoomi also wants to impress Atsumi. 

Kioshi volunteered to drive, he doesn't trust Shouyo when she's the one who's driving. They got a speeding ticket many times.

                     |  Kioshi     |     Shouyo   |

        Kiyoomi        |      Kaito     |       Motoya 

"So, Kiyo! Who's that girl?" His older cousin; Shouyo asked. She have her famous smugly smirk and look. Definitely teasing him. "Atsumi. My-!!"

"His crush!!" Motoya butted in. Kiyoomi glared at him and he just smiled. "Oh really? I always thought that Mr. Casanova will never fall in love. Well, surprises surprises." His older brother; Kioshi laughed. His eyes filled with annoyance and mockery.

Kiyoomi wanted to melt down at the spot. He's always been inferior to Kioshi. He would cry or breakdown when his older brother would say a snarky or mean comments and opinions. 

"Well, I want to meet her. Are you planning on going to our reunion with her? As your date?" Shouyo asked. "Yes." 

"Quite amusing. You never bring someone to our family occasions, even your teammates or friends. Are you a loner? Do you think having no friends will make you look like a cool, amazing and independent person?" Kioshi asked. Kiyoomi clenched his fist and look down. "I do have friends but I don't want them there."

The car was filled with tension. Motoya didn't spoke and just look outside the window. Kaito was busy on his tablet, watching some medical shits, not paying attention to them.

Kiyoomi looked down, trying to prevent his tears to fall down. "ALRIGHT!!" Shouyo's shout made them flinched. "We're at the mall!! Buy everything you want! Its my treat!!" Shouyo pulled out her unlimited black cards. "Tonight's theme is burgundy red. I don't want you wearing another color. Especially you, Kioshi. I don't want to see you wearing a black."

"Kaito, honey bear, let's go!" Shouyo carried the little kid and left the car. Motoya and Kiyoomi following behind.

"Uwah! Kioshi-nii is really scary. How can Neechan handle him?" Motoya released a sigh of relief. His hand gripping the wall, supporting his weight. 

"That bastard." Kiyoomi also sighed. "Man, chill. Neechan said burgundy red, right? Why don't you buy some clothes for Atsumi-san? She probably don't know what to wear." Motoya suggested.

"That's a great idea! Let's go, Motoya!!" The two cousins entered the shop. Immediately, finding a clothes with burgundy color.

"This one?" 

"Kiyo, Atsumi-san will never wear that." Motoya said while looking at the burgundy bodycon midi dress, disgusted. "Buy that one! The Burgundy Skater dress, the one with long sleeves!"  


"That's a casual clothes! Atsumi will probably like it." 

"Okay.. How about the footwear?" Kiyoomi asked as he looked at the shoes in front of him. "The ankle boots. It'll match her dress."

"Wow, Motoya. If I remembered it correctly, you're clothing style is lame as fuck. But, now! Did Shou-nee gave you a lecture!?" Kiyoomi laughed. "Shut the hell up, Kiyo."

As the two walked, they sees Shouyo and Kaito going to a candy store instead of buying clothes. The two followed them. 

"Kaito, tell me what you want. I'll buy it. Do you want the whole store!?" Shouyo asked, glancing at her small cousin. "I just want some gummy bears." Kaito said, fiddling his small fingers. "Alright!" 

"Damn, Neechan likes to spoil Kaito.  Back then, she would ignore me for the rest of the day, then buy me a toy." Motoya murmured. "Maybe, Shou-nee just doesn't like you." 

"Shut up, Kiyoomi. If I were you, I would ready myself. I don't want to get a scolding from them. Especially, Neechan." 

Kiyoomi nodded. He fears Kioshi but he fears Shouyo the most. She's far above him. A CEO, Doctor and Lawyer. And, she's just 21, 4 years older than him. At the age of 17, she graduated from college. While Kiyoomi, he's a Second Year. He's thankful that Shouyo is nice, but he fears the most is her opinions about his studies. 

She's smart. No, a genius. A great leader. She's everyone's dream to be. Rich. Smart. Beautiful. Graceful.

While, Kiyoomi, a bastard and likes to sleep around with people. His studies is good. For him, it's average. He's sure that he'll not fail. But, under Shouyo's gaze, he felt like he failed every subject. A grade that's not perfect. You can see the mistakes clearly. 

"Yo. Kiyo!" He snapped out of his trance and glanced at Motoya. "Why?" He asked his cousin. "I've been calling you. Let's go buy some gifts for them."

"Alright, let's go." As Kiyoomi walked, he felt a heavy weight on his shoulder. He's sinking. He wants to know why his older brother hated his guts.

"OI! Kioshi!" The latter flinched when he heard his older cousin's voice. He looked back and sees her annoyed expression, Kioshi can't help but look down and avoid her gaze. "..Why? Is this about earlier? I will apologize.." 

Kioshi felt like a small rat under a lion's gaze. His fist balled. "I'm sorry, Shouyo." He closed his eyes and waited for her excruciating words.

Kioshi felt inferior to Shouyo. There age difference is just a year but he felt lower. He's 20 but he's still in college. He wants to stand up for himself but afraid of Shouyo. He heard from their distant relatives that Shouyo gave them such painful words for being stupid and disgrace. 

Kioshi doesn't want that to happen to him. He doesn't want to get humiliated for being such low. He tried his best to become like Shouyo, studying day and night to be advanced. He ended up avoiding his family, leading them to have such arguments and fights.

He graduated Highschool with such high honors but unsatisfied. Knowing that Shouyo is far smarter than him.

He wants Kiyoomi to do the same, study hard and reach his goals and dreams. When Kioshi found out that he slept with a lot of students, he felt disappointed and scared. He left the mansion and goes abroad. 

But, Shouyo still found him. Asking him if there's something wrong. He just shut her out and avoid her. But, Shouyo's persistent. She would follow him to his school, take every chances to speak with him and eventually break in to his house.

He ended up telling her his problems. She wasn't mad or disappointed. She said that she'll discuss it to Kiyoomi, but she needs to find the perfect chance.

"Kioshi! You bastard, you're not listening again!" Kioshi looked up and sees Shouyo, pouting. "I'm sorry. What was it?" 

"Argh! I said let's go eat. Kaito's hungry again." She said. "Oh. Sure." He let himself get dragged into places. 

"You're thinking about it again, are you?" He just nodded. "It's okay, Kio. Nothing's wrong. I went to Itachiyama yesterday. Talk to his teachers. They said that Kiyoomi's doing great. His participating in group projects and recitations." 

Kioshi let out a soft sigh. He was also afraid of what will happen later. He doesn't want his siblings to get humiliated by their head of family; his father. He's grateful that Shouyo's helping them after all the situations.


Next chapter, dinner.

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