Little Omegaverse Guide

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I will try to explain it as best as possible

The stories in the genre are based on societies in which human beings are divided into a dominant hierarchy of dominant "alphas", neutral "betas", and submissive "omegas". These terms are derived from those used in ethology to describe social hierarchies in animals.


They are dominant, leaders, they are territorial and protective thanks to that they are considered for high positions such as governors, lawyers, big businessmen, etc.
Its smell is more bitter like damp earth, coffee, mint, citrus, myrrh, etc.

They have something called "voice of command" when using it, the omegas become submissive and in case the alpha that used it is stronger than those who are present, they will lower their heads when feeling intimidated.

Their heat happens every six months and lasts 2 to 3 days and they need to find a partner to calm down.
For that there are suppressors which calm this desire although if they already have a partner they are more territorial and protective


They are more common and current, they do not have a period of heat or smell, they are considered the right hand of the alphas.
They very rarely go out with an alpha or omega, it is more seen that they go out with each other.

In the event that they go out with an omega and he finds his destiny, the omega will have to abandon him (in normal cases, they rarely do).


They are submissive, both men and women can get pregnant. Their smell is sweeter and is enhanced when they go into heat to call an alpha. Their hierarchy is lower since they are only supposed to be used for procreation. They have the "omega voice" which is capable of calming their alpha as well as emitting a kind of shriek when they feel threatened, which calls their alpha and he comes wanting to protect him.

Their heat is every three months and lasts from 3 to 5 days. By already having an alpha and being in heat or nearby they begin to create a nest that they normally make with their partner's clothes, no one can enter their nests apart from them or their partner.


This is done between the neck and shoulders when an alpha and omega have sex. This mark indicates to the other alphas that the omega already has an owner in addition to creating a bond in which they can feel each other's emotions.

If one of the two moves away or dies, the other will fall into a depression, get sick and in the worst case, die.

If the alpha marks another omega, the old mark will be erased, the alpha will not suffer any damage, however the omega in the worst case can die.


They are those alphas and omegas that when they meet they "click" and know that it is their other half, better half or the other side of the red thread, in some cases the inner alpha or omega is the first to realize and inform their other part (in short an inner voice).


When an alpha wants to conquer an omega, he asks permission from his parents, whoever is in charge of this or the same omega, it can be giving him flowers, with poems or asking him out on dates.

Formerly a very common way was the alpha leaves a daily rose to the omega until the end of the month and if he conceives them all, it is that I accept him as alpha and they begin to be a couple.

you are my destined but I will have to Conquer You ||NaruSasu||Where stories live. Discover now