{Chapter 13} Firewhisky

Start from the beginning

“I-I…” Matt stuttered unsure about the whole situation himself, I just continued to glare at Fred Weasley.

“Hey let me go! Couldn’t you see we were a little busy there?!” I announced childishly as I felt my words slur a bit more as Fred looked down at me questionably as he raised an eyebrow at me.

“Are you drunk?” he asked as I stared up at him.

“And if I am?” I asked as he glared down at me.

“Then I’ll kill him.” Fred said now glaring back at Matt, I glared at Fred again.

“I drank myself! Matt didn’t do anything, he’s a harmless, boring boy.” I stated as I smiled at Matt who only smiled sheepishly, I then noticed Verity standing next to Fred as I had pulled away from Fred by now. “Anyways, what does it matter to you, Mr. Weasley if I’m drunk or not, or whether I kissed Matt or not?” I asked.

“It matters because you’re too naïve to tell when someone is taking advantage of you. You’re too trusting.” Fred stated looking at me as I frowned.

“I am not a child! I am a young adult!” I stated childishly as Fred frowned at me and then turned towards Matt, still giving him a death glare.

“How many drinks did you let her have?” he asked as Matt put his hands up defensively.

“When I came back to her, she was like this. The bartender said she only had two small glasses.” Matt said as Fred cocked an eyebrow.

“Two? Only Two? And she’s like this?” Fred asked as I had completely lost interest in their conversation and started swaying to the music by myself.

“La la la. I’m a little tea pot, short and stout. Here is my handle, something something something.” I said with a murmur as I dance to the song, Fred looked at me, questioning my insanity. Verity just glared at me.

“Fred, come on, let’s go back and dance. It seems like these two are fine, anyways Marley is taking care of herself.” She said giving me as glare, as I had stopped dancing with myself and looked at Verity.

“You know what Verity,” I said glaring at her, “You’re a right well prick sometimes, mostly to me.”

Verity turned towards me and glared at me, “At least I know when I’ve had too much to drink.”

“At least I know when I’ve had too much to drink,” I mimicked in a childish tone as Verity glared at me, “Two drinks is nearly not enough to listen to your obnoxious voice.” I said rubbing my temples.

I heard the two boys laugh next to me as I smiled, turning I noticed Verity glaring at both Fred and Matt, Matt put his hands up defensively with a grin, “Hey you’re not my date, so I think Marley’s right, you do have a slightly obnoxious voice.”

“Fred! Aren’t you going to say something?!” Verity exclaimed looking towards Fred who was trying to suppress his laughter.

“Ah right… umm Marley you really shouldn’t say such things, you are drunk.” Fred said eyeing me as I rolled my eyes.

“Drunk or not. I call them as I see them.” I said with a smile as I looked at the two.

“Come on Fred let’s leave, she’s probably going to end up sleeping with Matt because she’s so drunk.” Verity exclaimed as I felt a sting, I looked up at Fred to see he had raise an eyebrow at his date. How could she say something like that? I would NEVER sleep with anybody, even if I was drunk.

“Verity, that wasn’t very nice.” Fred said as Matt looked at the girl.

“Have you ever noticed that she’s not very nice?” Matt asked looking at the girl who shot daggers at him. “Marley would not sleep with me.”

I'll Remember Someday... Fred Weasley (Final Installment of Marley Series)Where stories live. Discover now