Shot 3: Mr Knight to the Rescue

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Pihu had a important question to ask her mother that night. It has been more than few days since she came to stay with Mr. Knight and his family. Her mom had promised Pihu that they would leave soon. 

But Mom and Mr Knight, who was Mr Khadoos back then had a fight that upset Pihu that she got lost and had to be rescued by Mr Knight, hence his new name. 

Her momma told Pihu they will be staying for few more days because Pihu needs rest before travelling again. Pihu did get a fever for staying out for long that night but she was fine now. 

Mr Knight had been very caring towards Pihu when she was sick. He didn't even shout at her once, he got her toys to play with because she was bored in the room. He even smiled at her once or twice.  

He shouted at the doctor though when she cried while getting an injection. Pihu liked Mr Knight shouting at the doctor because it did hurt.   

"She is a kid, can't you do it carefully" Mr Knight shouted at the doctor then promptly walked away from the room.

Pihu didn't like it when he gets upset with her mom though. He still fought with her momma sometimes and that upset Pihu. 

But it has been two days since she saw Mr Knight and Pihu kind of missed him. Hence her important question to her mom. 

"Where is Mr Knight, Momma?" Pihu asked her mother while she was tucking her into the bed. 

"Your Mr Knight is a busy man Pihu. You can't always expect him to be around and we will be leaving soon. So don't bother him okay" her mom answered back making Pihu upset with the answer. 

Pihu liked Mr Knight and she didn't want to leave him soon. So the next day when her mom went out of the room to cook for them, she went in search of Mr Knight. The house was too big for Pihu that she got lost again. She thought she remembered the way to his room but ended up in a different room. 

The room was much bigger and was filled with lots of interesting things. Pihu's interest was on the photos in the wall though but none of them were Mr Knight's picture. 

Pihu remembered seeing Mr Knight and her mom's picture in his room and how he had been smiling in that picture. She wanted to see if there was any such picture in that big room. 

She got on the bed and tried to see the photo frame on the table next to the bed in hopes of seeing Mr Knight. That was when the door opened and Mr Knight's mom walked inside the room. 

She screamed at Pihu and shouted at her to leave the room immediately. In an rush to obey her words, Pihu jumped from the bed and fell down instead scraping her knee on the floor. 

It hurt so badly that Pihu began to cry instead. But still Mr Knight's mom continued shouting at her that Pihu cried harder because she was really scared until Mr Knight walked inside the room. 

Mr Knight was quick to rush to her side to check on her that Pihu no longer felt scared. 

"Did you get hurt Pihu?. Where does it hurt? Tell me" Mr Knight asked her as he checked on her and Pihu pointed at her knees which still hurt but not as bad as when she fell. 

" Ram, stop giving attention to her. She is fine and you know how I found her snooping around my room. Just like her mother with no sense to realise she doesn't belong here" Mr Knight's mom spoke up to him. 

" She is a child mom. A kid who was hurt. I know you are upset about everything but you have taken it far this time " Mr Knight spoke up as he lifted her up and carried her away from his mother. 

As Mr Knight carried her to his room. Pihu stopped crying and when he showed her, his medicine tray. Pihu even laughed because it was full.

Mr Knight took his time to carefully clean her scrapped knee and  apply the antiseptic cream. Then he even let Pihu choose the band aid she preferred from his medicine tray. 

"Does it still hurt?" Mr Knight asked her afterwards and Pihu shook her heard in answer because it really didn't hurt anymore. 

"Let us get you back to your mom. She would be worried" Mr Knight spoke up and carried her to her room. 

Pihu liked Mr Knight when he carries her around. She liked him a lot more now than she did when she first met him. 

P.S:" That is it for now. Let me know your thoughts and feedbacks. Hit the votes if you liked it"

Juanita Reid.

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