Shot 2 : Mr Khadoos to Mr Knight

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Shot description : Pihu gets lost and find a knight to rescue her. 


Pihu shouldn't have walked away from her momma. But she was upset because everyone was blaming momma. Pihu didn't mean to cause any problem. She didn't mean to make Mr Khadoos and his friend upset at her. 

Now she was lost and missed her momma. Pihu wanted to cry because she was scared and alone. 

Pihu remembered the time when momma and her went to beach. Her momma asked Pihu not to go out of her sight. 

"If you walked far away from me. Momma couldn't find you. So always stay near to me and always make sure you could see me from where ever you are playing" her momma had told her and Pihu had forgotten about that now she was worried her mom won't be able to find her. 

The sound of the passing vehicles scared her more. She felt so cold and her legs were tired and she wanted to be back home and asleep on her mother's lap. She didn't know how to find her mom though. 

When she almost gave up, she heard her mother calling out her name. Pihu began to ran towards the sound of her mother's voice forgetting her tiredness. 

Pihu was sure that if she ran a little longer she would reach her mom and it was enough for the little one to run as fast as she could towards the sound that she failed to notice anything else. 

" Pihu, Stop" her mother voice halted in her tracks but it was too late as she almost fell in a big hole before her until a pair of hands held her to safety. 

Pihu opened her eyes to find Mr Khadoos holding her and then her momma was beside her and hugged her and Pihu felt safe again. 

"Pihu. Don't scare me like that ever again. " her mom kept whispering to her as she began to cry and Pihu once again felt like it was her fault and that she always made her mom upset. 

Pihu noticed Mr Khadoos handing out a tissue towards her mom and she wondered why he was not shouting at either of them as he tends to always. 

Right now crushed between Mr Khadoos and her mom. Pihu felt relatively safe. So when her mother asked her to get up, so they can leave Pihu remembered her mother teaching her to say Thanks if somone helped her. 

Pihu had decided when she was lost to always listen to her mother's words and even though she really didn't like Mr Khadoos. He did save her from falling in to the hole. 

"Thank you Mr. Khadoos for saving me" Pihu spoke up and her mom was quick to shush her for calling him. Mr Khadoos. 

"But what do I call him? If not Mr Khadoos. Since he saved me today, I would call him Mr Knight instead" Pihu spoke up after giving it a deep thought that a five year old can only do. 

"Thank you Mr Knight for saving me" Pihu spoke up and was surprised when Mr Khadoos, had a flicker of smile on his face at her words. 

When he was smiling like that Pihu agreed that he didn't look like Mr Khadoos. So she decided to call him by his new name hereafter. 

P.S :" Let me know your thoughts and feedbacks. Hit the vote if you liked it " 

Juanita Reid. 

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