But she's a girl...

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Woohoo more stuff cause I'm fucking bored and have nothing else to do and this is fun. Idk how this will be, it be scattered to Mipha and Zelda to Revali and Link to just random shit.

Mipha's POV:


I was walking to my school alone, but Link my crush since 3rd grade came up to me, and with the girl Zelda. They were very close and it made me jealous.

"Hi Mipha!" I wave at Link softly. He had the school uniform on, which was a cardigan, a collared shirt with a sweater over top and a tie. Link didn't have the Cardigan on though. And Zelda was wearing it as well, but hers was with a skirt instead of pants. I liked how it looked on her.

"Hello Link!" I walked over to them giving Zelda a small look.

"Where's Sidon?" I heard Zelda say.

"Oh! He is with Teba, their walking to school, why?" I was hoping she didn't have feelings for Sidon or Link.

"Because he is usually with you, but I guess not today." Her face didn't seem to be disappointed so I let it be. We got to school early and we met up with Revali.

"Hi Revali!!" Link was always excited to see Revali, even though Revali seemed to hate him.

"Ugh, what do you want?" He was wearing what Link was but with the Cardigan on his hips.

"Cheer up you gloomy Hylian." Revali rolled his eyes. He had his bow and arrows in a bag around his neck like a purse. Link had Archery after school so we planned on staying behind.

"Save anyone's life today doctor?" I looked over to Revali and giggled.

"No, but I did help Sidon earlier with a cut he got." Revali nodded, and Link shoved him. Zelda walked over to me.

"Their so weird together." I jumped, which made Zelda giggle.

"Yeah, Revali hates him but Link is like wanting to hang out with him so much
" Zelda nodded in agreement, the warning bell rang and we all ran to our classes. I had Biology first, and so did Zelda.

"Wanna be my cool nurse partner?" Zelda smiled at me waiting for a response.

"Sure why not, you do the cutting though." I didn't like cutting open animals since I was studying to be a nurse. Zelda nodded at me. Once the class ended we went different ways.

Revali's POV:

I was walking to my 3rd class, when Mipha the tiny Nurse went up to me, we had language arts together, so we most of the time sat next to each other.

"Hi Nurse." She smiled at me, she was never mad at anything, which made me a bit frustrated.

"Me and Zelda are gonna study together after school if you wanna come." She looked at me, I could see she was thinking about it.

"Your studying with Zelda? Uh actually I'm staying after school with Link today." She was definitely lying, everyone can tell when that tiny Nurse is lying, but I played a long.

"Alright, but your missing out." Me and Zelda were gonna have snacks and study health, and biology. She smiled to me and then looked forward. Lunch came by fast and I sat where I would usually sit. Mipha had some sushi.

"I thought you didn't like hurting animals." I smirked at her, but she has no reaction.

"I do not, but it does not mean I can't eat meat." I rolled my eyes. Link was sitting next to me, and Mipha and Zelda were sitting in front of us.

"Revali do I have to go to archery today?" I looked over at him and scoffed.

"Yeah Link you have to." He smacked his face onto my shoulder, And starting shaking me.

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