A Reaping Gone Wrong.

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Hey, author here! This is probably just going to be a one-shot, but if anyone wants more just comment and I will deliver! :D Now onto the story!


"Ngnh," I mumble, rolling over and burying my head under the covers. Oh, I'm aching all over!
"Rose. Rose. Rooooooose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Get up. Rose. Rose. Rose. Get up or I'll pour water on you."
"It's the middle of winter. If you don't want to get hypothermia you'd have to strip naked and I'd make you walk home. In front of the mines..."
"You know what all those hard-working miners are like..."

I groan. Yes, I know that majority of the miners are... Perverse, for lack of a more tactful word, but I'm tired and I feel ill and we've been hunting most the day in the freezing snow with hardly any game and the stupid voice should just go away and let me sleep!

The voice sighs. "I can't just let you sleep because the quote unquote 'stupid voice' has to get you up for the reaping. You can't skip it, unless of course you don't mind the 'Peace'keepers dragging you out of your bed in your sleep and blowing your brains out in some dark, stinky ditch. Plus, your death wouldn't affect just you... I am sorry you feel ill though. And tired. But we both know why that is, and you can't do anything about it. That was your decision and it's too late to go back now."

I open one eye. Despite everything he said, all I reply with is, "I said that aloud?"
"Yes, now up."
"That was rude."
"Rose, honey, please just get up."
"Please, Ro. For me?"
"Fine, you asked for this."
"Asked for wha-"

I'm suddenly cut off by the nice, warm, soft, blankets that I already miss being pulled off me.

I force my eyes open blearily to greet a softly smiling out-of-focus face.

"There," Lionel grinned, "now it's time to go!"

I sit up and look around me, rubbing my eyes.
"Where are we going again?"
Lionel starts a long explanation. Of course, I'm not listening. Instead, I think. This little wooden cabin in the forest has become a haven for me and Lionel over the past few years. We could spend hours here, sleeping, hunting, swimming in the creek that runs beside it.

"What are you thinking about?"

I snap my head up at the whisper to see Lionel smirking. He sits down on the edge of the bed and it creaks in noisy protest. My heart flutters like it does every time he gets close to me. Staring into his grey eyes, I start daydreaming again, twirling a lock of his coal-black hair around my index finger. It's not fair he's so beautiful! With his olive skin, stormy grey eyes and hair as black as a starless night, most the girls in our school that discuss shallow things such as attractiveness say he's by far the 'best-looking guy.' I agree. Then again, I might be slightly biased. According to Ma he takes after his father.

Suddenly, Lionel leans down and pecks me on the lips. "We've got to go now honey."
Probably as red as a raspberry, I groan and fall back on the bed.
I close my eyes.
"Rose," he sighs.
"I can't hear you, it's too dark."
Lionel pauses.
"That is... The single most ridiculous excuse I have EVER heard."
I giggle.

Then I felt arms around me as I was picked up off the bed that creaked again.

"Lionel! Lionel," I shriek, "Put me down right now!"
My fists pound furiously against his back, and you know what he does?
He just laughs.
And heaves me over his shoulder.

Lionel trudges out of the cabin, the woods becoming a green and brown blur.
"Why do we have to hurry?" I whine.
"Well," he starts, "Your mother said she got you a dress, sky-blue to match your eyes. Because you're more beautiful naturally than any woman in any of the districts or the Capitol could ever be, I always look forward to seeing you in something that suits your figure and not just your Grandfathers old clothes."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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