Living our lives

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Me: *wakes up* morning honey 

Aodan: morning my beautiful princess 

*we get up and get dressed* 

Me: aodan, pitch breakfast is ready! 

Aodan: *kisses my forehead* thank you my beautiful wife 

Me: *smiles* 

Aodan: *grabs his plate of food* I still can't believe we are married 

Me: I know it feels like yesterday we just met and fell in love with eachother 

Aodan: and look where it lead us 

Me: to us being husband and wife 

Aodan: *kisses me* 

Me: *kisses back* 

Pitch: I'm trying to eat here 

Me: *rolls my eyes* yeah yeah 

Aodan: how's your dad doing? 

Me: he's still sad that I'm not his little girl anymore 

Stoick: *crying* I miss my baby!! 

Me: *groans* dad calm down I'm still me 

Stoick: *sniffles* 

Me: why don't you come and have breakfast with us you need to eat. 

Stoick: fine... 

Me: I love you daddy 

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