Request Page And Legend

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Well start off  with the legend, so people not wanting to submit a request can pursue on.
In every chapter title, there will be a small symbol for the chapters content.

✔︎ ➪ safe for all audiences. No smut, no Angst, no blood.
☔︎ ➪ This contains angst or just very sad stuff.
⚠︎ ➪ please proceed with caution, this chapter contains graphic descriptions of violence or other hard things that aren't very safe for kids.
ꨄ︎ ➪ Love-making up ahead. This chapter contains smut.

Now onto the requests
Below I will list you things I write and things I won't write.


✔︎injury/injury denial
✔︎operator x operator
✔︎operator x reader (Female and male)
✔︎attacks and fight scenes
✔︎make out sessions
✔︎LGBTQ stuff

⚠︎self harm
⚠︎(serious) psychological disorders *
*Expect me to take longer for writing your chapter since I want to stay as correct as possible which takes research

☹︎operators swapping genders
☹︎werewolf sex
☹︎outbreak/alien sex

Please write your request as followed:

☞︎︎︎Chapter name (optional)
☞︎︎︎plot (just a few sentences)
☞︎︎︎Length (amount of words. ~500=short, ~1000=medium, ~1500=long, 1500+=big boi**)
☞︎︎︎do you want to be mentioned (yes/no)
**Please write me how long your story should be then. You can go in 500 words intervals.

And that's all
I hope I'll get a few requests soon, but for now I have enough ideas of my own to keep me busy for a bit.


Waiting list!!

Caveira x Male Reader

Own ideas:
None currently

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