"Anyways! Why have you visited?" I changed the subject with a wide smile.

"Well one because I missed you." I blushed a bit and listened as he continued. "And two because my father sent me on his behalf of the one ring and where it will go.... Which I should probably go get ready for the meeting." He said.

My intrest peaked hearing about a secret council meeting.

"We have to catch up after the meeting then."

"We definitely do." He smiled softly and went back into his room leaving me and my sister to stand there.

"You have to tell him how you feel." Arwen said.

"Shhh!" I exclaimed pulling her down the hall.

"He could have heard you."

Arwen rolled her eyes. "Sister. The last time you didnt tell him it almost broke you."

"Well there was something else from keeping me broken... Anyways why haven't i heard of this meeting? Can i go?" I asked

"No its a secret council. Now promise me you will not go sneak in." She chided sternly

"I promise." I lied.


Currently I was doing what my sister warned against not to. I stood behind a piller peaking my head out peering at a group of people looking for a certain someone.

"Friends of new and friends of old. We have all gathered here today on behalf of the one ring..." my father spoke up and began to speak of the ring. It was getting quite boring so I ended up stairing at Legolas. He was so beautiful. I wanted him to be mine, but I was to scared. Im pathetic.

Suddenly Legolas stood up arguing with a dwarf. I rolled my eyes as more men began to yell back and forth. How pathetic. Here I was thinking I'm the pathetic one!

"ENOUGH!" Gandalf shouted rising from his chair and began to speak in an dark tounge. The skys turned dark and everyone sat back down. I could notice Legolas put a hand to his head closing his eyes.

Everything soon calmed down and I peeked out even futher. Bad decision because Legolas eyes captured mine. His eyes widen and I quickly hid again silently praying he would not tell my father.

The conversation went on through the council and Legolas hadn't exposed me. Soon the council came to their final decision. Frodo would take the ring and a fellowship began to form. This would be a dangerous mission to mordor and I hoped Legolas would not go. But he did.

"You have my bow." He said stepping up to the hobbit.

My heart dropped. Sure Legolas has faught in wars with orcs and other dangers of the world but this time I was scared for him. This war would be the most dangerous of them all. I could not help but feel that Legolas would not be safe. There was also a pulling feeling that made me want to go. This could be my chance to leave rivendale and actually get to explore the world.

"Very well then. You will be the fellowship of the ring." My father said and before anything else I jumped out from hiding yelling "wait!" And stood by Legolas side

"And I will join as well." I stated proudly.

An eruption of laughter was heard from all the mens mouths causing me to blush in embarrassment. The ones who didnt laugh though were my father and Legolas who looked angry, the hobbits who were confused by everyone's reaction and Gandalf, he wore a knowing look. But both my father and Legolas mirrored the same look of anger.

"No!" Legolas immediately objected.

My smile fell and i glanced at him to see him glaring but behind those eyes was worry.

"Y/n what are you thinking? You will not go end of story." My father said with a stone cold glare on his face.

"Why not? I never get to leave and explore the world. And I think I could be of help to this fellowship." I replied.

My father went to speak once more until Gandalf interrupted.

"I dont see what the problem is with having lady y/n join us." He stated

"No she can not and will not-"

"Elrond remember what I told you. This is the path she shall take. Theres no changing it." Gandalf said.

What did he mean by that?

My father looked down in thought for a moment and was almost nervous to my confusion.

"She would be safe." Gandalf reasured once more.

"I... guess she could go." I father huffed in annoyance.

"What!?" Mine and Legolas voice spoke at the same time in shock but for different reasons.

Suddenly a man whos name I learned as boromir stepped foward and looked over at me eyeing me up and down.

"Having a women on this mission would only slow us down... though she could help for other purposes." Boromir lowered his voice at the last part of his sentence thinking no one would hear. But Legolas and Arogorn did. Arogorn glared at the man while Legolas stepped up to him poking a finger to his chest.

"How dare you! I will ki-"

"Legolas!" Arogorn held out an arm infront of him giving a warning look.

"Its settled then. You will accompany them. I shall speak with you later y/n." My ada said walking off.

I stood there with a happy smile. I could finally go out and see the world other then mirkwoood.
I turned to Legolas who looked quite pissed off as he looked back at me. My smile dropped a bit. Clearly he wasnt to fond of the idea of me going.

"A-aren't... you happy I get to come along? We get to spend much more time together." I said hesitently and all he did was scoff and spin around on his heel walking off and down some steps.

I frowned even more and could feel tears brim in the corner of my eyes. The way he scoffed and walked off brought back a memory that was locked away but that aas a story for another time.

I felt a gentle hand be placed on my sholder.

"Dont worry about him. You know how stubborn he can get." Arogorn said.

I turned to look at him sadly. "It hurts when he's upset with me."


The lord of the rings Legolas x readerWhere stories live. Discover now