Our wedding day

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A/N: in this story I'm 19and aodan is also 19 in. 

Me: aodan wake up today is the big day! 

Aodan: *looks at me and smiles* our wedding day 

Me: *hugs him* I can't believe I'm marrying you It feels like we just met 

Aodan: yeah 

*we get ready* 

Aodan: gabbie here's some water- 

Heather: aodan! It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding and leave the water on that table. 

Aodan: okay okay! *puts the water on the table* 

Me: *doing my makeup* 

Valka: oh our little girl is all grown up 

Me: hey mom, hey dad

Stoick: *hugs me* I love you sweetheart 

Me: I love you too daddy 

Pitch: aodan remember don't act stupid, don't get upset when snotlout or the twins try to ruin or break things and most importantly make her happy. 

Aodan: don't worry pitch *looks at a picture of me and him* I will 

Pitch: good. 

*the wedding starts* 

Me: *walking down the isle* 

Aodan: *smiling* 

Me: *smiles back at him* 

The wedding person: today we are gathered here to celebrate the marriage between Gabriella Haddock and Aodan J Wilson they met when aodan was cursed gabbie saw aodan from the battlefield and knew immediately he was the man for her. They started dating and soon their relationship grew and aodan proposed to her on their 12 month anniversary together the happy couple lived their lives but faced many challenges along the way some good and some bad. Gabbie do you take aodan do be your husband? 

Me: I do. 

Wedding person: aodan do you take gabbie to be your wife? 

Aodan: I do. 

Wedding person: may I persounce you husband and wife you may kiss 

*we kiss and everyone cheers* 

Shorty: happy birthday! 

Pitch: *crying*

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