Make it a priority!

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If you want to manifest faster, make your desire a priority!

Take at least  10 mins to just relax and affirm for your desire everyday. Loop your affirmations. 

I personally have a lot of free time and desires so I do 10 mins for each desire everyday and I , of course, affirm whenever I think of it. 

But like I said, if you want to manifest faster, saturate your mind by affirming consistently! Ensure that your affs feel good so that it won't feel like a task to affirm. 

Affirm whenever your mind is on autopilot aka in SATS, when you feel sleepy/drowsy or your  mind is just running freely with no focus. At that time, your subconscious mind is easier to access and impress as your conscious mind is slowly shutting down until you wake up/become focus again. 

SATS is very common throughout the day but especially when you're about to sleep or you're just getting up. These are powerful times to affirm. 

DO NOT WAVER! Correct yourself like Sammy says.

Whenever you feel yourself begin to slip back into old negative thoughts, bring your mind back to your affirmations and stand firm!

Also, ensure that you are affirming for your Self Concept (what you think of yourself) and your rules. This makes things so much easier. 

Here's mine for some inspirations-

Self Concept & Rules-

1. I'm naturally very pretty (this also helps with appearance change as my face is changing to my desired one while I say this.)

2. I'm naturally very sexy ( same thing with appearance!)

3. I'm a natural at manifesting. Like this shit is easy and normal for me.

4. I naturally manifest instantly. I normally get my desire in a day. I'm NOT fucking waiting more than 24hrs to get what I want!

5. I ALWAYS get what the fuck I want, when I fucking want it.

6. I'm god of my fucking reality. NO one and NOTHING tells me no! I control EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE!

7. Nothing bad ever happens to me. Only my good thoughts manifest. 

8. Everything is naturally very easy for me. 

That's it! I just loop these for 10 mins a day and whenever I think of it. 

If you want some help with your affs just comment and let me know!


Manifesting is easy!

It's your reality!

Change your thoughts!

Create your own rules!

Persist in them!

Live your dream life!

Happy manifesting my master manifesters🥰

Sammy's video in multimedia. 

VOTE & COMMENT for another update! 

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