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The sun was shining, the sky was blue as ever, the birds were chirping and the winds were not too windy, just another spring day in London. Perfect weather for sightseeing.

Princess Kenda had decided not to allow such a beautiful day to pass by without showing James around. She had settled on bringing him to a private beach today. Since her brother's arrival, she had taken it upon herself to show him around the city that he hadn't lived in for the past five years.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yes, very much," Prince James answered looking at the mass of ocean water that seemed to go as far as his eyes could see.

"Well, what are you waiting for let's dive!" Charles screamed, running like a mad man into the water.

He had tagged along much to Kenda's dismay. She had planned an outing for just herself and her brother but of course, silly little Charles had to butt in. She couldn't understand him. He had been with James every day for the past five years that he had been away why couldn't he just let her have her outing with the brother she hadn't seen in that long in peace.

"No! no! no! Why do you keep ruining my plans!" She whined, pulling him by the collar right before he could quite make it into the water.

"I don't ruin plans! I make them better!" Charles bickered back, shrugging her hands off him.

"Let's just have lunch before anybody gets wet," Kenda said, trying to maintain her cool. She was a princess, after all, princesses don't get unnecessarily angry but Charles, that stupid Charles had a way of getting on her nerves. He knew the exact buttons to push to have her screaming like a mad woman in the dead of winter.

"But wouldn't you enjoy that?" Charles laughed wriggling his brows in a very suggestive manner.

"Charles!!!" Kenda screamed, that was it, she was going to kill him. She bunched her yellow day dress together and was about to make a mad dash to strangle Charles but James caught her, right before she could make a move.

"You guys still haven't gotten over your stupid feud?" James finally asked the question on his mind since they had started their bicker.

"There is no feud!" Kenda replied, little veins popping on her forehead from trying to keep her anger at bay. "Let me go," she whined.

"Yeah, Kenda is just annoying," Charles said seemingly agreeing with Princess Kenda. Kenda on the other hand, tightly squeezed her fist to keep from giving him the retort she knew he wanted out of her.

They sat on the checkered picnic blanket that had been meticulously spread out by a maid with different food platters spread out on it. Lunch went by uneventfully with Kenda ignoring Charles and Prince James trying to be the buffer between the two.

They had just arrived in the palace from their visit to the private beach when a guard came by with a message from his father.

"Your highness," he bowed, "His Majesty, the King has requested you see him in his private study,"

Prince James felt his heart drop to his stomach with the request. This was it. The day he had been dreading since he set foot on English soil. The day his father would request to see him privately. He had been dreading this for so long that it didn't surprise him when the guard delivered his message. It was inevitable that his father would want to know all about his trip and studies privately without the presence of the court members to hear what he had to say.

"Father, you asked to see me?" Prince James said as he walked into the enormous library that was his father's study.



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QOTD: Favorite boy band?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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