Working Backwards

Start from the beginning

'Almost.' Paul said. He took a few steps forward. 'You know how much I love you, right?'

'Of course, you only tell me hundreds of times a day.' You chuckled.

'Right, well,' Paul pulled out a small box, opening it to find a chain necklace with a ring on the end, 'don't worry, this isn't a proposal.' He laughed at your face of shock. 'It's a promise.'

'A promise?' You questioned. 

'A promise that when we're free, when we can go back to Caladan, I will marry you. It's a promise of my love for you, and you can carry this knowing that I will protect you, I will always protect you with my life.' Paul said as he put the necklace around your neck.

'I love it.' You whispered. Leaning forward, you gave Paul a gentle kiss on the lips, delicate and soft, but packed with love. 'And I love you.'

'I love you too.' Paul said.

Paul smiled at the memory. 'We said 'I love you' before a lot, but that moment was real, like it was the first time saying those three words. Although the first time saying it was quite funny.' He chuckled at the memory. Paul plucked a peony from the bouquet and smelled it. It smelled like you.

The first time you said 'I love you'.

Late night cookie eating a tradition for you and Paul. You two would sneak out and eat as many cookies as you could at two in the morning. 

'This is great.' You giggled through a mouthful of cookies.

'I love this, but I'm so tired.' Paul sighed, laying back on the couch.

'Aw, come on. It's only one thirty.' You tease, poking your boyfriend.

'Let me sleepppp.' He jokingly whined. 'Y/nnnn let me sleeppp.'

'Fine, I'll let you sleep.' You huffed. Half an hour passed and you glanced up from the book you were reading. Paul hadn't moved since you let him sleep, and assuming he was sleeping, you took the opportunity to tell him things.

'How does one say they love another?' You whispered, watching Paul. 'I love you, but I don't know how to say that. It sounds creepy, me talking to you while you're sleeping, telling you I love you and all. It's a bit creepy.'

'No creepy at all.' Paul rolled over. He laughed at your reaction, pale-faced and freaked out. 'I love you too.' 

'What?' You whispered. 'You love me?'

'A hundred percent.' Paul said.

Paul sighed again, his shirt was now damp from tears. 'I love you so much, a hundred percent.' He said to the grave. 'I will always love you, forever and ever. I will take your love with me and my love for you, to the grave.' 

Paul then pulled out a piece of blue cloth, something that he had secretly kept to himself. 'Do you remember this? You wore it on our first date.'

The first date.

Your blue shirt flapped in the wind as you and Paul climbed a tree. You scrambled up much faster than Paul did. You didn't realise when your shirt got snagged on a branch, and ripped a small piece of cloth off. Paul smiled as he took it off the hook.

'Hey, Y/n!' He called out.

'Yeah?' You looked down, a giddy smile spread across your face.

'You...' He paused, feeling the soft fabric between his fingers. 'You're really good at climbing trees.'

'Thanks, Paul.' You laughed happily. Paul slipped the fabric in the pocket of his pants.

Later when you noticed that the shirt was torn, you just laughed it off, saying it was an old shirt anyway. Paul would forever love that shirt.

'And the first time we met, when you were mad at me because I tripped you over in the town square.' Paul smiled. 'I got this from that.' He lifted up an ankle to expose a small scar, not even an inch long.

The first time you met. 

Paul looked around the market with Jessica. There were a few trinkety things that he liked, a few glass animals that he could add to his collection. It was Paul's 10th birthday and Jessica was letting him buy anything he wanted from the market.

Paul then noticed a sweet stand that was a few meters up from the trinket shop. 

'Can I go there?' Ten-year-old Paul begged.

'Of course.' Jessica smiled and took his hand. Paul giggled giddily as he slipped through the crowd of people. He didn't notice when you stood in front of him, and Paul fell right over you. You were holding a large vase at the time, since your father was a pottery maker. The vase shattered into pieces, and one was lodged in Paul's ankle. However, Paul didn't see it, and he was more concerned about you.

'Oh no! Are you okay?' He asked, helping you up.

'You broke my vase!' You snapped pointing to the ground. 'That took me months to make.' Tears slowly welled in your eyes. 'That  was supposed to be the first pot I sold.'

'I'm so so sorry.' Paul bent down to try to help you clean the mess up. 'Let me help you.'

'I don't want your help.' You glared at the brown-haired boy, knowing full well who he was, and not giving two pigs asses. 'That was my earnings for the next two weeks down the drain. Thanks a lot.' 

'Paul, honey!' Jessica pulled Paul up off the ground. 'Are you okay?'

'I'm fine, Mum.' Paul turned around to see you frantically pulling shards of pottery off the ground. 'Can I give her money for the pot?'

'But it's broken, Paul.'

'I broke it.' Paul said. 'I should pay for it.' 

Jessica sighed before nodding. 'Of course.' Paul asked for way more than the actual amount that a small vase would've made. 

'Here.' Paul gave you the money. 'For the vase.'

'But it's broken.' You looked up, tears streaming down your cheeks.

'I was on my way to buy it anyway.' Paul tried his best to bend down. He then hissed in pain, realising that there was a shard of vase in his ankle. He pretended it wasn't there. 'I have a bag, help me put the shards in, and you take the money.'

You nodded, and silently helped Paul put most of the shards into the bag. You offered a small smile of thanks, before running off.

'That was very noble of you, Paul.' Jessica said.

'Mum, I cut myself.' Paul pointed at his ankle. 'It stings a bit.'

Then Jessica went into full mama-bear mode, scooping him up and taking him to a doctor. Paul didn't mind the stitches, or the pain meds, or the weird sour smell of the hospital, because all he could think of, was you and your pretty face.

'I also have this.' Paul pulled out a small bag. 'It's the vase. I kept it all these years. I never knew why.'

Paul smiled. He could feel you wrap your arms around him in  a comforting hug. Paul knew that you were there beside him, and would be forever. A hundred percent. 


I hope you guys enjoyed! Feel free to tell me what you think, suggest a one-shot idea and follow for more like this! <3

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