"Why have you been following me?" Saiki asked. He knew exactly why she was so keen on bothering her today but he wanted to hear it from her.

"Well, I saw how quiet you were and I was worried. Usually, you would be running to lunch to talk with Y/n but not this time... Also, you looked very furious the second you entered the class." Teruhashi spoke making sure to add the last part in an attempt to assure the teen that she knew exactly why she came up to the music room.

"Well, you can forget it. There's nothing wrong with me. I just felt like eating lunch here. Alone" Saiki responded harshly. Teruhashi nodded eventually then turned back towards the door

"How dare he speak to me like that! Me! Of all people." Teruhashi sobbed in her mind and then rushed away from the scene.

"That girl needs to get her ego in check," Saiki grumbled as he unpacked his bento. After a few minutes of eating alone, Saiki felt himself frown once he was greeted with still silence. He would occasionally hear the laughter or yelling of some happy students but was nevertheless greeted by silence. It didn't last long though because to his surprise the door burst open. His eyes widened once he saw the familiar girl in the doorway. She seemed out of breath as if she had run all the way from the bottom level to see the psychic. She rested on the side of the door for a little while as Saiki refused to tear his eyes away from the girl

"Saiki, I wanted to check on you. When Teruhashi said you were here I was worried." Y/n said abruptly as she tilted her head up towards the boy who placed his chopsticks down

"You came all the way here?" Saiki questioned the girl who seemed to finally begin to catch her breath.

"Yes," Y/n confirmed closing the door behind her. Saiki watched the girl curiously as she seemed to inch closer to the boy who watched her intently.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You've never not sat with us before." Y/n said sitting down on the box next to Saiki who just simply placed the cap onto his bento.

"Well, there's a first time for everything. Plus, you have Kuboyasu to distract you while I eat here." Saiki spoke. His voice sounded forced to the girl who sensed a heavy amount of passive-aggressiveness. She simply stared at the ground with great interest.

"I'm sorry. If it looks like I've been clinging to Kuboyasu since yesterday. He just came back and-" Y/n was interrupted by Saiki who decided that he would rather not have the girl apologize for his stupid feelings

"Do you know what this room is used for?" Saiki questioned the girl hearing her go quiet in an instant. When he didn't hear her respond he moved his body more in her direction

"This room is used for the teachers who have too much storage to keep in one classroom," Saiki informed the girl who nodded along while glancing around at the piling boxes.

"But it's also used for something else," Saiki whispered to the girl leaning down towards her ear. She jumped and turned back after surveying the room to see Saiki inches away from her face.

"What?" Y/n asked breathlessly. "What else is it used for?" Y/n finished, her heart pounding out of her chest. The door burst open making Y/n jump once again and Saiki roll his eyes before leaning down and sealing in a kiss before the girl could move away. He knew perfectly well who was at the door. Y/n's eyes went wide as she tried to push him away but it felt as though she was trying to push a boulder. Her eyes squeezed tight as she refused to look at the door in fear that it could be a stranger or even a teacher and instead gripped Saiki's shirt.

The person at the door didn't miss the girl's failed attempt to escape Saiki as he gripped the pink-haired boy's shoulder and pushed him back away from the girl then collided his fist against Saiki's cheek. Y/n gasped as Saiki held his cheek with a slightly shocked expression.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Don't touch her without her consent." The voice scolded Saiki. Saiki seemed to be spaced out as his eyes refused to look at anything but the ground. Y/n wrapped her arms around the purple-haired's own and felt her eyes widen in fear

"No! It's fine. Please, Saiki didn't mean it." Y/n spoke trying to calm the teen down to avoid catching the attention of any students in the hallway.

"I did mean it," Saiki said sternly not glaring up at Kuboyasu. Saiki was shaking in anger as he seemed to be using all his power to hold himself back.

"What?" Kuboyasu asked disgusted by the psychic who straightened himself up

"I am not going to sit back and watch at you steal Y/n away from me. You were just going to do the same thing I was when she visited your house later. Maybe the only difference is I wouldn't roofie her." Saiki joked not wavering in the slightest when Kuboyasu walked toward the Psychic.

"Why would you think that? I wasn't going. To do anything. She returning my cat." Kuboyasu defended himself making Psychic let out a breathy scoff

"Yeah right. Is that why you invited her to eat dinner with you afterward? So you can get her  to like you or something?" Saiki questioned the boy who sank his fingernails into the palm of his hands in anger.

"How did you even hear that conversation. Are you spying on Y/n or something, creep?" Kuboyasu asked Saiki who began to walk in front of the teen ready to knock the boy out in one flick.

"I just don't like Y/n hanging around you. You're a bad influence on her." Saiki huffed watching the girl who decided to close the door to prevent any students from hearing their raising voices

"Why are you so obsessed with her? Are you in love with her?" Kuboyasu asked the teen who seemed to pause for a moment before confidently staring in the direction of Y/n

"Yes! I love Y/n! I've loved Y/n for longer than you have! I love her so much that she's all I think about! And it's not fair that just when she began feeling the same way, you decided to come back!" Saiki yelled feeling his eyes stinging slightly as he soon realized, much to his embarrassment, he was crying. Y/n stared at the boy in shock as she placed her hand on her chest not completely sure what exactly she was to do in this situation. Kuboyasu stared in shock as Saiki pushed the boy to the side before approaching the girl

"Please. Tell me you love me back." Saiki whispered reaching over to grab the girl's hand. She backed away from the boy's hand and looked down in thought

"I... Well, I... I don't know how to feel! I'm sorry!" The girl yelled an apology before sliding open the door and escaping from the scene leaving Saiki quiet in his thoughts. Kuboyasu was quick to chase after the girl calling her name down the hall.

"How did I screw up this badly."


A/n: hello! How are you guys been feeling lately? I found an audiobook on YouTube for Harry Potter so now Im speed running The Order of The Phoenix

I did kind of get emotional in this chapter but can you really blame me? I was listening to Slipping Through My Fingers by ABBA so everything is more emotional.

Anyway, see you next chapter!

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