The Battle at Port Ford !

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July 14th , 1420: We've arrived at Port Ford. It seems to be a happy little town. Sam and I are going to buy some liquor , cigars , and food. I'm being stared at by all the people passing by.

We walked into a tavern and sat down. Sam getting eyed by the ladies and I was just getting eyed at. A nice old man was the tender and asked us our names since he had never seen us before. It was strange, he didn't look at me with fear like the others did. We got our food and it was damn near delicious. The rum was amazing as well.

We asked the man to meet the chef and he obliged. So we walked back into the kitchen and I saw a short, pretty dark haired ,young woman at a stove. I was amazed at what a pristine kitchen she kept. I walked over to her, scared her on accident and got hit in the damn forehead with a frying pan. Woman are scary.

So we sat down and talked with her about joining our crew and she declined like lightning. "I have no interest in joining some second rate crew with two asshats like you !" The woman said.

So we left to walk the town and I quickly found out, Port Ford is not a safe town. I watched a boy get beaten for looking at a guy wrong. This guy was dressed in a fancy suit and saw me looking at him. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT YOU OAF !? DO YOU WISH TO END UP LIKE HIM!?" The pompous man said. I walked right up to him, the whole town was silenced to the point you could hear a pin drop. We don't break eye contact. POW ! I punched him so hard he went flying down the road, after that I honestly just didn't give a shit. People witnessed the whole event "Do you know who you just hit ? " and "You're in big trouble now !" Erupted through out a crowd

Turns out I just hit a governor's boy. I go on with my day sight seeing, until I feel a metal tube press against the back to my head. "You are under the arrest for the assault and Injury of Kent T. Boothman!" Said an island officer. Turned around and I was surrounded.

At the back of the group of officers surrounding me was the little bitch himself holding a gun to the girl from the tavern, Mr.Kent. Sam was on the ship (making sure it was stocked)and I'm at gun point along with a hostage. "Surrender now or the woman gets it !" Said the pompous boy. "HELP ME YOU STUPID BASTARD!" Screamed the woman. I obliged.

THE GROUND SHOOK AS IF AN EARTH QUAKE WERE TAKING PLACE. One by one each officer fell to his knees. Till it was just kent and the girl left. "Run back to mommy." I said after slapping him hard enough to knock a tooth out. The woman got free and took out that same frying pan from earlier and HITS HIM STRAIGHT INTO THE GROUND LIKE A GAME OF WACK-A-MOLE!

We all meet back at the tavern. And the bartender makes a suggestion to the girl "I think you should go with those boys, it's far too dangerous here then it is with them." The girl looked at him jaw dropped "YOU WANT ME TO GO WITH THESE JACKASSES OUT TO SEA !?" She screamed. "You heard the man" said Sam. "Respect your elders!" I added

She packed her belongings onto the boat the next morning. "My name is Caroline, and if either of you jackasses messes with me , my kitchen on this boat, or EVER complains about the food you'll find yourself in hell !"

NOTE FROM CAROLINE: I heard jackass captain talking about going to the sea of hell ! I'm all in for it ! Maybe he's not a jackass after all ?

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