The Open Sea

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July 13th , 1420: Well we're out of the hell hole or should I say Markstone. Out on the open sea heading for an island known as Port Ford. I've heard it has good food and is pretty safe. We may hire a chef there because neither me nor Sam can cook worth a damn and we're tired of drinking our meals. We should get there by tomorrow

I suppose I should talk about the last log I left. Specifically the July 8th log. I said something about people having plenty of good reasons to fear me. I should elaborate on that. When I was a child both my parents died, allegedly I cried so hard that the ground shook and the sea rose. 

Strange things happen around me. Rocks will randomly shake and water will start becoming angry like a storm at sea. An old woman in Markstone used to call it "A King's Spirit" or something like that. I never really payed much attention to what she said about it.

NOTE FROM SAM: Could you please stop talking about that chick you like so much in your sleep? It's annoying.

The Sea of HellМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя