The dawn

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July 8th, 1420: I awoke this morning to the sound of drunkards screaming in the streets. Just another day in Markstone. My name is Connor L. Wallace and I am going to sail to the Sea of Hell. The Sea of Hell is an unknown and unexplored area of the ocean, pirates, merchants, and anyone else with a damn oar and boat aim to head there. It's said that monsters the size of islands roam the waters there along with men stronger than a city, as well as women more beautiful than getting a good night's sleep in this damn town. Drunkards, crying babies, screaming couples, and more in the good ol' town of Markstone.

I head out the door with a cigar in my mouth as I walk to my cousin Sam's shipyard. Everyone who's screwing around in the streets moves out of my way out of fear. They have plenty of good reasons to be scared of me. Enough about me let's talk about Sam. Sam is my dear old shipwright cousin who's been more like a brother to me, his parents couldn't give a rat's ass about me since my parents died. He's gotten a schooner prepared for the two of us. It's loaded with food, water, guns, swords, and anything else you might need when sailing out on the ocean.

 I heard a woman screaming behind their house. I rushed over to find my aunt getting mugged by a wandering alcoholic. I grab the man by his arm and pull him over my head, landing on the ground and leaving a crater about 2 feet deep. He was knocked out cold so I decided to rob him. "It's about damn time you showed up! Sam's been waiting all morning", said my hag of an aunt. "Yeah yeah, I get it," I replied. I then headed over to the shipyard and greeted my cousin.

 Sam is a relatively taller guy who was still shorter than me with sandy, blonde hair with light blue eyes. We greeted each other, loaded our crap up on the boat and left the piece of shit town known as markstone.

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