Borders were torn from boards in a variety of ways. Some were knocked down when a body crash into them, others would evade one only for a metal pipe to swing out from the fog and send them tumbling.

As fists flew, boarders fell from dangerous heights, and adrenaline rose, the confusion grew. With one side wearing masks with skulls, the other ones without, it was hard to tell without clear lighting who was who.

Noctorious soon showed they didn't care about who they attacked, hitting their own if they got in the way.

Within moments, they took down a Phantom member, tore the mask away, and while several decided to beat him, another swapped his own mask, taking on the identity of a Phantom. There was no fairness in this game.

The fight moved from boards to the ground in moments. Teens were everywhere, fighting tooth and nail. There was no coordination, just anarchy.

A certain group fought their way through, making it into the building.


A Notorious member destroyed the already shabby chair when he went flying into it.

A burly figure cracked his knuckles. Marcus looked up, eyes ablaze. Sven stood just in front of him, Troy following on Marcus' side. From the fog, a figure ran over to catch up, panting.

"Night?" Troy noted the newcomer. "You don't need to be here."

Two other Phantoms in masks nodded in agreement.

"You kidding?" Night gulped a lungful of air. "I came as soon as I heard. I may not be a Phantom, but I never say no to a friend in trouble."

Marcus' eyes flashed. He turned, grabbing a guy who'd rushed him with a raised bat. He caught him by the throat, glaring.

Dropping his weapon, the attacker turned victim clawed at the hands, gasping for air as he was lifted into the air.

Several more attackers appeared.

Sven dodged, hitting out as Marcus tossed the guy in his hands to the side, taking a blow from another without blinking before striking back twice as hard. His other hand drew out a small object from the backpack hanging by one strap off his left shoulder. The item was used to hit another attacker on the head before it was tossed towards another group.


Smoke spewer from the device causing those approaching to start coughing and their eyes to tear. Their struggle was ignored by the Phantoms.

Troy blocked an attack aimed at Night, who helped by going for the attacker's feet and knocking him aside. The other Phantoms assisted, keeping them on the path no matter who they came across.

The group made their way through the building, taking on anyone who came at them.

"Hehe," the laugh sounded one second, the next, a force collided with Marcus' back. He took a step forward to regain his balance.

Splinters of wood rained around him as he turned.

A guy with red streaks stood there, no mask on his face. His eyes had a crazed gleam to them, his lip split and blood trickling down the side of his head. Most eye-catching were the fists dripping with red.

He looked at the remaining leg of the stool he'd broken across Marcus' back. "Oopsies." He twirled the leg that now was a sharp split. "I wonder how hard it would be to embed this in your leg." Zaki had joined.

Marcus saw red. He charged but was dodged.

Sven stepped in, his kick connecting. The splint went spinning into the air and Zaki scrambled back. "Hmm. Why do you all look like you lost something?" he mocked. He scratched his head.

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