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A lone city under a dome moved through the barren and desolate land. Behind it lay nothing, before it an electric storm crackled. While the dry lightning was intimidating, the dome didn't turn, slowly forging ahead.

Withing the city a phenomenon of its own was occurring – fog. It spread from the center, eating building after building before spreading to the outer corners where crops grew.

Teens wisely stayed indoors, well behaved for once. The omegas didn't utter a sound and no movement came from the tallest building in the city.

Sahara sat in an apartment, biting a nail as she watched fog cover the entire city below. The weather in Regona was controlled. Someone had made this happen. Someone wanted it. And the feeling was ominous.

Shifting in her seat, she glanced at the holographic numbers ticking on the wall. "Where are you?" she murmured before returning to bite at the nail with a vengeance.

In the outskirts of the city, one could faintly make out the scaffolding of a half-finished building - Noctorious' base. The air was damp, within it a tension crackled, ready to boil over. If one squinted, they would be able to make out one or two figures standing among the scaffolding, dangerously far up. White from the skulls drawn on masks flashed.

Within the heart of the building, a guy crouched on a table, red streaks in his hair. He was examining his blood-covered fist, giving no notice to the cards he crumpled below his boots. Several other guys sat around, some on boards, some on broken furniture. Everyone but two wore masks covering their mouths with the same skull. Other than the guy on the table, Lance stood some distance away.

His shirt had several holes in it, revealing the muscle within. The cut on his forehead, gained from his last match in the fighting cage, had grown a scab. His eyes were half-closed.

Not far from him lay two bloodied figures, both almost unrecognizable due to their injuries.

Lance lifted his head. "They're here."

The boy with the bloodied fist looked up.

Silence hung in the air outside.


A figure flashed by.

Swish – another followed.

Almost invisible to the naked eye, the Phantoms had come.

But Notorious was far from afraid.

"Hehehe," hyena-like laughter escaped the guy with red streaks as he stood. "Boys." He spread his arms, twisting his boots to further crumple the cards beneath his feet. "Let's have some fun!"

Lance glanced his way. "Zaki, remember the plan."

Zaki licked the blood on his fist, his lips curling before walking off. Lance turned his eyes to where a loud crash sounded.

As though the sound was the signal, the silence erupted.

Board after board whooshed out from the fog. Several made their way to the ground; the others went for the scaffolding. However, the Phantoms were in another tiger's territory. The moment boards flew between scaffolding, chaos erupted.

Figures melted from the shelter of construction, knocking riders from their boards. They disappeared as fast as they came, eerie laughter coming from behind the masks. They weaved in and out of the scaffolding, swinging and jumping from one to the other with ease. Few were on boards as they faced the skilled Phantoms.

The Phantoms didn't fall easy, however, the moment one was caught, a pile of Notorious members would take them on, beating skill with pure numbers, like a pack of hyenas taking on a single lion.

Regona City: Noctorious (BK5)Where stories live. Discover now