Chapter 21: Close

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After that not-so-good night with Lisa, she left in the very early of the morning without biding me her good bye personally. She just left me a tray of food with a couple of medicines and a cup of coffee with a note that she already left for Busan.

Today is Saturday and supposedly I'm still on my sick leave but Ms. Han called me yesterday if I'm able to meet a client today because this client is the biggest investor of the company and he personally wants to meet me and avail my service.

So as good friend of Irene who doesn't want to give our biggest investor a bad impression even I still want to enjoy my leave, I'm here right now patiently waiting for my client at the Japanese Restaurant that he booked for us.

While waiting I remember how my confrontation with my mother went last Thursday. That didn't really went well.

"Mom explain this." My mother's gaze turned to the envelope I'm handling her. Her smiled faded the moment she saw what's the content of the envelope.

"Sweetie where did you get this?" My mother asked nervously. I saw how her face slowly turned pale and her hands were already sweating.

"Answer me. Why does it tell that Alfredo is not my biological father?" And what she did next made me burst into tears, because I didn't expect that she'll going to slapped me.

"How dare you to disrespect your father? This paper is telling lies. How can you easily believe with this? I thought you're a great lawyer but I guess I'm wrong." I scoffed and bit my lips to surpass my tears who keeps on falling.

"Well he's not, and the way you reacted tell its all. I hope one day you won't regret protecting your beloved husband." And after that I walked out and swear to my self that I'm not coming back to this hell. I couldn't believed that she'll going to protect Alfredo instead of telling me the truth.

I spend my night crying and I regret not telling this thing to Lisa because even I want her presence that night, I can't asked her to come to my place. I don't want to add her problems.

I was snap back in reality when someone offered me his handkerchief that made me look at the person who's standing tall in front of me. I don't know if it just my vision were blurry due to my tears but I can clearly see my resemblance on his face. The only exemption is that he has a blue eyes.

"Are you okay Miss?" I slowly nod. And gently wipe my tears trying not to ruin my make up.

"I'm sorry sir." I bowed my head.

"No it's fine. By the way I'm Rabin Kim." He offered his hand that I politely accept it. "I'm your client." I immediately stood up and stand straight after he said it.

"I'm really sorry Mister Kim. I'm Attorney Jennie Kim, pleased to meet you. Take a sit please."

"No it's fine, pleased to meet you too." He pulled himself a chair and sit in front of me.

"So Mr. Kim. Can you elaborate the case or the situation that you want to settle?" I directly asked him, I don't want to waste my time.

"What's with the rush Attorney?"

"Nothing sir, I just want to get straight to the business. I don't like wasting my time." I said while busy on my lapton. I saw his side lips went up sign that he's smirking.

"How much is your time?" He asked that made me averted my gaze to his face from my laptop. Is he really asking how much is my time?

"My time is not for sale sir." I politely answered him trying not to sound disrespectful.

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