When I was a Little Girl

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When I was a little girl,
No one's opinion mattered but mine.
I was hyper, loud, imaginative.
Creative, confident, kind.
The world was a friend to everyone.
No one left behind.
New things raved with excitement,
Because fun was all I had in mind.
The easy breeze of everyday,
Felt freer than a spring wind chime.
Life was pretty, soft, and warm.
No such thing as running out of time.
Insecurities were nonexistent.
There were no obstacles to climb.
Life was a beautiful pleasure.
Comfortable. Fine.

Now I'm a cautious teen,
And people's words hurt and burn.
Burn right through my fragile skin and sting me til I learn.
Learn that life isn't like it used to be.
Vicious people growl at every turn.
People get left behind.
Anger boils. Anger churns.
I'm not as confident as I used to be,
And I'm not sure if the light will ever return.
As time demanded I grow up,
It took my happiness in turn.
Maturing also means mistakes,
Too many lessons to yet be learned.
The awful cruelty of the real world sucks,
Yet we participate with no concern.

So you'll tear up as you close our eyes,
And think about the past.
Your bouncy curls and innocent smile
Lay now on the floor as shattered glass.

You'll realize the simplicity of youth is magic.
You'd kill to have it back.
Because happiness and friendly smiles,
Is what high school seems to lack.

So as I watch the little girls now,
With cell phones and latte cups.
I urge them with every ounce of my heart.
Please, little girl.
Promise me you won't grow up.

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