Take me to Neverland

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Take me to Neverland,
Where the kids don't grow old.
We can have adventure after adventure,
Where our hearts can't turn cold.

Take me to Neverland,
Filled with fun and climbing trees.
Filled with fairies, love, and pixie dust
I'm begging on my knees,

Take me to Neverland,
Where I can remain a smiling kid.
Remove me from the ticking clock of age,
For growth is something I forbid.

Take me to Neverland.
I beg you, save me please.
The little girl I once was and knew
Is being torn apart by teens.

Take me to Neverland,
A place I never want to leave.
An island full of joy,
An island of make-believe.

Take me to Neverland,
Because there we can pretend.
That like those fairytales and stories,
Everyone can have a happy end.

Take me to Neverland,
Take me, Peter Pan.
Fly through my bedroom window
So we can escape it, hand in hand.

Take me to Neverland,
Where magic is our smoke.
We'll be high off fun and laughter.
You'll tell me stories, we can joke.

Take me to Neverland,
Because forever young I want to be.
A girl as vibrant as the sun
Basking in her glorious make- believe.

So one day I went to Neverland.
Flying, hand in hand,
With someone, none other,
Than my own Peter Pan.

Neverland is now my home.
It's as magical as it sounds.
There are flowers in my hair.
There are flowers on the ground.

I'm sure you've heard the story
Of the mischievous Peter Pan.
The boy who never aged,
Who couldn't be caught and made a man.

But what they didn't tell you,
Was of the one who'd dance and twirl.
They never told you about me,
They never told you about the girl.

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