21. The plan

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"Kota we need you to calm down," Katsuma said.
"Look I know that you don't like us and most likely don't believe us but please just come to my dorm after dinner, Katsuma, and Nana will be there and we will explain everything to you," Mahoro explained.
"Fine. This one time only but if it ends up being a waste of my time I'm killing all of you." Kota told them.
"Deal." They all said at once.

After that Mahoro, Katsuma, and Nana went over to where Eri was to talk to her.

"I'm surprised you were able to stop them!" Nana exclaimed.
"Me too." Mahoro agreed.
"Same here," Katsuma added.
"It was quite easy actually," Eri said.
"Could you maybe teach us how to do that?" Nana asked.
"Well I can but it would be a different way of how I do it," Eri explained.
"That's fine," Katsuma replied.
"Yeah," Mahoro added.
"Well for you guys, you don't have to make a circle with your finger, what you have to do instead is draw glyphs," Eri told them.
"Which one?" Katsuma asked.
"Well, that depends on what spell you want to cast. We'll start with the basic glyphs which are light, ice, fire, and plant." Eri answered.
"I wanna do plant!" Nana exclaimed.
"I wanna do fire," Mahoro added.
"I'll do Ice." Katsuma finished.
"Ok. So for plants, this is the glyph. And once you finish drawing it you can just tap on it." Eri explained.
What she drew:

After Eri showed what the glyph looked like Nana copied it exactly and once she tapped it small vines grew from it

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After Eri showed what the glyph looked like Nana copied it exactly and once she tapped it small vines grew from it.

"It will take time and practice to get where I am but I believe you can." Eri encouraged.
"Thanks." Nana thanked.
"Now for fire. It's a similar concept but a different glyph." Eri explained as she drew out the fire glyph to show Mahoro.
What she drew:

After Eri showed what the glyph looked like Mahoro copied it exactly and once she tapped it golf of fire raised and then back down

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After Eri showed what the glyph looked like Mahoro copied it exactly and once she tapped it golf of fire raised and then back down.

"Now that was cool," Mahoro exclaimed.
"Now for Ice. This one is slightly complicated but it shouldn't be too hard." Eri said drawing out the Ice glyph.
What she drew:

What she drew:

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What Happened to you? An Eri x Kota love story (villain Eri hero Kota)Where stories live. Discover now