Chapter 20: Sass Masters

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"Okay! Alright, that's enough." I laugh, especially when he takes one hand out of my lap and gives the knuckles a sloppy kiss. My smile falls equally as fast again, even as he flips my hand over and kisses the inside of my palm. "Do you think that I shouldn't have called that play? Would Griffin still have gotten hurt?"

Miles sighs. It's not audible, though I can feel the exhale of air against my skin. He keeps a hold on my hand as he rests both of our wrists on the center console. "Parker, love. We've been over this."

"I know." I use my other hand to push the hair off of my face. It's hard to look at Miles right now, so instead I look out of the window and watch the apartment building get closer with every stoplight. "Fuck. I can't stop thinking about that. About him. Doesn't it kill you, too?"

"It's definitely not fuckin' easy, if that's what you want to hear. Griffin always seemed untouchable to me. You know how he used to swagger around, as if snipers and nuclear bombs couldn't take him out." Miles pauses as he turns into the apartment complex. "But that's all in the past. There's nothing you can do to go back and fix it. Nada."

"I know," I mumble again. The truth coming out of his mouth is hard to hear. I'm too used to Miles being the mechanic for everything in my life: my vehicle, my heart, my personality. I wish that he could fix Griffin with a few knowledgeable words, as well.

We both go silent as the car rolls up to the front of the building, putting our conversation on the back burner for now.

Miles lets go of my hand to honk the car horn, the stoic look on his face molding into a stupid grin.

Kenya, who's sitting on a bench outside of the front door and currently digging through a stuffed drawstring bag, jumps. She looks up and scowls, tossing the bag over her shoulder as she gets up and stomps over. I brace myself, expecting her to fling the car door open and slam it shut, although she gets in with the poise of a queen.

"That's not nice!" She yells at Miles before her butt hits the seat. "Couldn't you see that I was busy?"

"Can't you see that we're on a time schedule? We need to get your noodle legs back here by seven'o'clock! We can't go anywhere if you're busy jackin' around," Miles throws his response right back at her as he shifts the car into drive.

Kenya scoffs and throws herself back into the seat, putting on her seatbelt with a sassy click. "Well, if you two would've stopped smoochin' and gotten over here faster, we would've been on the road by now. I'm not chaufferin' over here!"

The tilted accent on her words gets a giggle out of me. I twist around in my seat to lean back and point at her. "Hey, c'mon, don't assume that. That's kinda gay."

"You're kinda gay." She squints at me and crosses her arms.

"Yeah man, you set yourself up for that one," Miles adds and shrugs.

"Okay, so shoot me. Actually, fuck—" I glance at Miles chest.

He laughs. "Been there, done that."

Kenya holds out her hand and pipes up. "Swear jar, swear jar! You owe me a dollar!"

"I don't have a dollar! How about, um..." I hum and open up the center console, taking a moment to shove some napkins, bank statements, plastic spoons, and condoms out of the way. "Twenty five cents?"

Breaking The Rules: Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz