4 - Breakup?

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Featuring: Jack and Ianto

Are you going to break up with me? - Ianto

What! No. Why? - Jack

I just thought you may see me differently and start to not love me anymore - Ianto

Of course I wouldn't see you differently, you're still Ianto - Jack

And a few little scars will never change my view on that - Jack

You sure? - Ianto


I'm sure. You understand? - Jack

No, maybe you should kiss me again so that I understand - Ianto

Thankyou Jones_IantoJones for the idea from the quote "And a few little scares won't change my view on that" from your fanfic 'Trans!Ianto', which everyone should check out if you haven't already.

~ Ryhs

Torchwood Texts (Includes Janto - Jack x Ianto)Where stories live. Discover now