3 - Advice from Gwen

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Featuring: Gwen and Ianto

I'm scared Jack will break up with me - Ianto

Why? - Gwen

I'm scared that after the surgery I had and being in the hospital it made him view me differently - Ianto

He already knows you're trans and he's cool with that - Gwen

I know. I'm just scared he's changed his mind - Ianto

You've been together for 3 years. If he wanted to break up with you, I'm sure he would have told you about it - Gwen

It's actually been 3 years, 2 months and 18 days - Ianto

If you're still anxious, you can ask him about it - Gwen

Thanks - Ianto

Any time - Gwen

Torchwood Texts (Includes Janto - Jack x Ianto)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora