Chapter 4: A Friend

Start from the beginning

"You sure you two aren't lovers? You spend more time with her than you do with me," I suspiciously asked.

"Come on, Cat! She's too good for me. Anyways, gotta blast!" He ran forward until I finally couldn't see him so I just entered my classroom.


'Final period, hooray!'

I am happily dancing in my mind knowing that today is my final schedule and I can finally start on a new art project I've been working on afterwards.

But my mood changed. Our professor was so rude. She had such a conceading attitude and even humiliated me to the whole class.

"Moretti-san, please put that paper down. What are you even writing?" She started walking towards my desk and took my pad to look at it.

The whole class looked at me as if they were waiting for me to embarass myself through my writing when the only thing that was written in there were my notes for this class.

My teacher looked embarrassed when she looked at my paper. But instead of letting it go because I did nothing wrong, she embarrassed me to save herself.

"What is this? Satoshi ♡ Caterina?" My eyes widened. Who the fuck is Satoshi?

"Please pay attention to my class, Moretti-san. I'll be taking your paper and I'll return it afterwards. I hope you learned your lesson." She walked away and started writing on the white board not even bothered that she humiliated me for being a good student and that my classmates were either secretly laughing or glaring at me.

I was left too stunned, confused, and embarrassed to listen to the rest of the lecture and even explain myself.

After that dreadful hour, class finished. I stood up but someone tried to trip me. Luckily, someone helped me. He catched my fall and I opened my eyes to a boy with brown hair and cyan eyes staring to my gold ones.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes filled with concern.

He removed his hand from my waist and I dusted my skirt to relieve the awkwardness I was feeling.

"Yes. I'm sorry. I didn't expect I'd trip. Thank you for helping me," I said with a small smile.

"Ohh~ the new girl really likes Isshiki!" a boy with black hair teased.

I looked at him. "Who's Isshiki?"

Everyone who stayed for class as well as our class teacher who was talking to one of my classmates looked at me in shock.

"You don't know, Isshiki?" The boy from before asked, shocked. "But teach said that you wrote Satoshi ♡ Caterina in your paper. You don't even know Satoshi's last name, is that it?"

I sighed after I picked up my bag that fell from the floor. "Honestly, I have no idea who Isshiki or Satoshi is and I could hardly care. All of you have too much time on your hands that you bully a transferee."

I heard a chuckle from behind so I turned around and stared at my savior just a few minutes ago. "I beg your pardon. What's so funny?"

He bowed his head. "I'm Ishhiki Satoshi."

Ohh, oops. My eyes expressed realization as I continued to stare at him and my mouth formed into an o.

"Ohh. I didn't know. I'm sorry. I'm Moretti Caterina. It's good to meet you." I bowed my head.

I felt stares at us so I brought my head back up and looked at everyone else. "What are you all staring at? Don't you have anything better to do than watch two people introduce themselves?"

I looked back at Isshiki-san. "Wait a second." Then, I walked back to our teacher and lended my hand out.

"Sensei, my notes please. I'll be happy to report to the council that you embarrassed your student who was just writing her notes just to save yourself from humiliation that you made a simple mistake."

My teacher looked at me in disbelief and so did everyone in our class. Only Isshiki Satoshi stared at me with amusement and I think that was when I knew we'd be great friends.


So if anyone reads this story and starts wondering why she introduces herself as Moretti Caterina, not Caterina Moretti, it's because this book is written to comply with Japanese tradition. Like for example, bowing heads and introducing yourself with your last name before your first (I don't know if they really do this in real life. Just based on my anime knowledge.)

Thank you for reading!❤🤧

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