Chapter 5

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The next day, Hikari is the first one woke up and saw that her parents still asleep. Deciding didn't want to wake them up, she get up from the bed quietly and walk to the kitchen. She decide to make the breakfast for them today, she know that both of her parents were busy after the attack mostly her father.

As a Hokage, he had a responsibility in the village so he maybe won't have much time with his family.

Also the battle with Paperwork!

She take out the ingredient, wash the vegetable and cut the slice of meat, she decide to make a simple Japanese breakfast dishes with Miso soup, tamagoyaki, a bowl of rice and a grilled meat. She prepared it for four people included Kakashi into their family breakfast, she also boiled the water for tea and milk for Naruto.

She heard two pair footstep and conclude that her parents are awake, she turn around to where the stairs is and meet with her father blond hair, "Good morning, Daddy." greet Hikari with a warmth smile.

Minato heartbeat jump in delight of what his daughter calls him, 'Daddy' he like the sound of it. The realization struck him, he is now a father!

A father!

A father too his daughter and son!!

He smile brightly at her "Good morning, my little princess." Hikari blush red by the title her father give it to her, feel sheepish in embarrassment and joy for finally having a father that can keep calling sweet title with you.

She smile back at him cutely and continue back her cooking, she didn't even see Minato gasp tried to control his bearing of how cute his daughter is. When Kushina came down with Naruto in her arm, she saw her husband on the floor shaking and saw him grasping his heart tightly, "What's wrong, Minato?"

Minato look at his wife with tears in his eyes, "Kushina! What should I'll do? She's too precious!"

Kushina raise an eyebrow in confusion, didn't even know what he been talking about. "I'll need to keep away the boys from her. I will not let some random guy taking my baby girl away from me." said Minato with fire of determination in his eyes.

"Ah, that's what you mean." said Kushina in realization and completely amused, she don't know her husband can be this overprotective to his family.

She rolled her eyes when her husband keep mumbled at himself still on the floor, keep saying 'No one takes my baby girl' and 'I won't let any boys takes her'. By then Hikari poke her head from the kitchen with a smile on her face "Good morning, Mom! Breakfast is ready, come sit. You too Daddy, you don't want to be late do you?"

Kushina smile softly at her and take a sit with Naruto in her arms, Minato do the same and the parents saw the perfect Japanese breakfast in front of them, with how heavenly the smell is they knew this taste good.

They turn to their daughter after she put the last plate on the table and give a soft smile to her, Hikari smile back at them, taking a sit beside Minato and the family start to eat.

When Minato take a sip of Miso soup, he was surprise of the taste, "It's taste good, Hikari. It's good than I'll usually make," praised him. Hikari cheek turn pink in flustered of the praise she got from her father and look down in embarrassment, don't want to show her red face to her parents.

When she pick her utensil, she remember something. She look around tried to sense Kakashi chakra around them but didn't find him. Minato saw that she been looking around them, felt curious he ask "Hikari? What's wrong?"

Hikari look at him "Dad! Where's Kakashi-nii?"

Minato raise an eyebrow at her question, went his daughter gesturing to where the empty sit with already set up breakfast, he get the hint. "You want Kakashi eat with us?" ask him, when he get a nod answer from her, he flare his chakra to call Kakashi.

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