Chapter 4

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I couldn't believe it. He was here. Like, actually here.
But why hadn't he talked to me, or even the others?

My eyes were watering and I could barely see him from far away. But I was smiling, after a long long time.
I could finally smile widely.

Jessy's head was still lying on my shoulder, but at some point she noticed that my tears weren't because of sadness, but of happiness. She hesitated to ask.

"Y/N?" she looked me in the eye while wiping her tears off with her sleeve

"I'm sorry. I'll- I'll be back in a second." I stuttered

I'm sure she thought I was crazy. I mean, who smiles at funerals?

I excused myself and managed to push people aside in order to reach Jake.

Many people were staring at me with curiosity, but I didn't give a damn at this point.
He was here.

I think I let a small laugh while I was pushing people aside, because finally, something nice had happened.
All this time, I would be crying myself to sleep. It was Richy's betrayal and also death, it was Jake, whom I hadn't heard from for weeks, the threats and basically everything else...
Finding Hannah was such an accomplishment, and I am happy she is back. She is finally free and can live a normal life again.
But, throughout the journey, I had support from people in order to reach that goal. Jake had been by my side from the beggining, since everything had started, and trusted me. He trusted me to explore Hannah's cloud, and he always wanted to make sure everything was going smoothly.
Nothing would have been done without his help. His hacking skills and his determination combined, make a perfect duo.

But, it's not just that..
Jake was always there when I needed him, and we certainly had something going on there.
Having heard nothing from him this entire time, was just miserable.

Now that I am able to see him in front of my eyes, I just desired to hug him, and thank him, because he remained optimisic no matter what.
He could have given up hope back then,  but instead, he decided to carry on and do what he does best.

And he succeeded.

My vision was blurry and I let out a satisfied sigh when I reached my destination.
I reach out my hand to get his attention, but it's pointless.

He's not here.

In the next few seconds I find myself sobbing once again.

It was an illusion.

But how is this possible?
I was certain he was there, his head tilted down and his face hidden with his hood. I know it was him.

Or maybe, I am actually going crazy as time passes.

Noone had noticed that I was hiding behind the crowd, except one person. Hannah.
She rushed to come at me, bumping at few, but she managed.

"Hey. Why are you here by yourself?" she asked concerned

"I- I thought I saw someone." I said looking around desperately to find Jake again

"May I ask who is that?"

Now, weak spot. How do I explain this to a person who basically has been seeing things in the forest the past few years, along with her friend, Amy?

"It was probably nothing" I said silently

Obviously I lied. I didn't want to bring her trauma back to the surface.

"Come here."

She hugged me and gave me a smile.

"Shall we go back to the others?"

I nodded and then we slowly walked towards them.

I glanced back, hoping that what I saw was real. But then, the crowd blocked my view.
Dissapponted, I turn my head to face the others, still concerned and curious.

What is going on?

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