The End is just the Beginning

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That is all I felt...

Cold, dripping blood, leaving my body...

It's warm, but all I feel is cold...

How did I end up like this...

Oh... right...

I was mugged for nothing...

A crule world this is isn't it...

Life treats you like shit, just for existing as who you are huh...

Well, can't do much about it right now huh...

Let's look back at the facts shall we, I am dying after all...

My names Micheal Greenwood. 21 year old Son to Sherilyn Wilson and Thomas Wilson. I changed my name due to me wanting a different name to go by Than my biological scumbag of a sperm father. Thomas isn't biological, but he is family nonetheless.

I am 6'2" with light brown natural hair, dyed white to match my style of clothing, Blue eyes that would be staring into eyes of the sea. Mother did say my eyes were that of a ocean God who also sails the seas as a pirate. I wear dark framed rectangular glasses and have two upside-down crosses upon my ears as earrings. By no means I am a satanic worshipper, I like the look.

I have six tattoos on my body, one tribal tattoo on my neck that means fire and soul, two on my front forearms that are arrows of grace and precision, one on the back of my right forearm that represents Bloodborne, one large tattoo on my back of a sword with a dragon as its hilt going from my lower spine to my neck on my back, and one right on my heart that reads, "Family isn't blood. Family is Bonds."

These all represent me in some form. And that's my reasoning for life. The life I currently do not have anymore....

My family is dead due to an infamous killer that is on the loose...

My lover was killed by that same man...

My so called friends left me for dead and kicked me to the curb when they got me fired...

Where I am now, was just a case of those "Wrong place, Wrong time" scenarios...

"I am sorry my child." I heard a voice speak out to me, in a tone that most would consider pity, but I heard true sorrow in the man's voice. I turn my head towards the side to see alright figure in an all white suit with grayish-white hair and a beard, his features were barely noticeable in the sunlight, but I can tell he is quite old. Wisdom visible in his golden irises. I may not be a believer of religion, but I know when I can see something, I can believe it.

"Father Christ..." I barely get out while coughing blood. "Well call me... a believer then... hehe..."

Father Christ, or Christians know him as God, walked over towards me as he kneels down before me. "I am truly sorry you went through all of the pain this world has caused, one I wished this world wouldn't have done to my children."

"Brother, you know that sins of those who sin do it cause they wish to." I turn my head to see another figure with gray  skin and red irises, wearing a similar outfit with it being the opposite colors of The Lords own. Black hair and two red devil horns protruding from his head.

"Well... talk about an odd sight huh... hehe..." I say, groaning and loosing consciousness.

"My child, we both didn't wish to see you in so much pain from the mortal world, so we can give you a choice, be reincarnated into another world with your beloved and family. Or you could help those down in hell. You will be born with abilities that can help you in both realities of your ideas." Father Christ told me outright. To say I was surprised was the least of my concerns. But there was one thing I wish to know more than anything.

"Father Christ... do you truly hate people... that would be..."

"Don't speak child. I already know you know the answer, but I love all my children, no matter who they love. Sins can be redeemed and can be properly sent home."

I smile genuinely at this, I knew The Lord loves everyone equally, it's what drew me to religion in my own way. I close my eyes for a few seconds before answering Father Christ's question.

"I wish... to help those... in need...down in Hell's... 9 Circles... who deserve the... help... before leaving... to a new world... But I wish... my family... and lover... can live in peace... not to come... with me... on my journey." I say before losing consciousness.

The last thing I heard from Father Christ was this....

"Your prayer has been answered my son, rest now, you will be awakening soon."

Hell's Coming With Me - (Hazbin Hotel Universe x Self Insert)Where stories live. Discover now