Tananoya - Say you won't let go songfic

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I love the song so......

Thank you Sakura_devil for the ship and sonfic idea

I did use the timeskip for this one, I also stuck close to the canon (I hope)


I met you in the dark, you lit me up

You made me feel as though I was enough

Ryuunosuke was hanging out with Sakeo in his room, talking about random stuff, mainly volleyball, and how Ryu really wants to join the volleyball club. "Do you think I could make friends? Or get a girlfriend?" 

"Or boyfriend" Sakeo interrupts him, "I knew a lot of gay volleyball players" Sakeo laughs as Ryu pushes her. "Soo, how's your therapy going? You doing better?" 

Ryu got quiet, not really wanting to remember, "Well, I don't get panic attacks when it's mentioned? I think that's good" 

Sakeo smiles at her brother, "Hey, that means it's working, and not forget, I will always stay with you" 

Ryu smiles softly and says, "I'm going to go on a walk" Sakeo smiles softly as her brother leaves, watching him walk out the door. 

Ryu keeps walking until he eventually ends up at his park's volleyball court. He didn't expect anyone to be there, it was half past 4 but there he was, a kid that looked to be in elementary school. He is surprisingly good. "Hey! You! Fluffy hair" (I don't remember exactly but Tanaka has fluffy hair in his first year right?) Idk (Then why are you answering?) cause why not (I- arggghhhh) Back to the story, "So you gonna play with me or not? You're just watching" 

"Oh, right. Sure I'll play" Ryu starts to play 1v1 with this strange kid, and they chat while playing. Ryu learns his name is Nishinoya Yuu and that he's the same age as himself. They learn more about each other making a game out of it. Each time one of them scored a point they got to ask a question the other had to answer. 

Well, they were having fun, until Nishinoya asked, "Hey, why are you here anyway?" Ryu got quiet, Nishinoya catches the ball and quickly says "Uhm, if it's something bad you really don't have to answer it's just that no one is really here at this time? I mean I'm here cause my grandpa died and I needed an outlet and volleyball was our interest and-"

Ryu stops him, "It's okay, I'm going through a hard time myself and volleyball is my outlet too"

We danced the night away, we drank too much

I held your hair back when you were throwing up

Ryu and Noya managed to get into Sakeo's alcohol cabinet. Not a great idea They got really drunk and ended up dancing to the radio and after more drinking Seriously? (Okay they're 16 let them live) Whatever Noya started throwing up. Ryu took him to the bathroom and held his hair back, after he googled what to do.

Then you smiled over your shoulder, 

For a minute I was stone-cold sober

Ryu was tipsy, he hadn't had as much as Noya but he still had quite a big amount of alcohol. But when Nishinoya turns his head to smile at Ryu in appreciation Ryu feels the world stop, he feels a warmth in his heart bloom. He smiles back not wanting Nishinoya to see, his efforts are in vain because Noya doesn't remember it anyway.

I pulled you closer to my chest

And you asked me to stay over

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