Chapter 23: meet the new saiyan's

Start from the beginning

Pumpkin: you see, she's to weak for you

Avoca started to get more and more angry, he started charging his power and he was surpassing the super Saiyan 3 wall once again, he kept going and his aura turned into a half golden half red and black aura,

Beerus: this mortal, If he keeps on getting stronger even I won't be able to beat him

Vegeta: (mind) damnit, it's as if he doesn't have a limit, and now he made a new transformation

Avoca's hair was golden with some parts red, Avoca charged at niun and with a punch in the gut he knocked her out cold, he then went to 21 and picked her up and sat down while looking at her

Avcoa: I'm sorry I couldn't protect you

?: I'm sorry if my sister hurt your wife

Avoca turned to look at the person who said that

Avoca: who are you

?: My name is jinjer

Avoca: ...

Jinjer: my sister's grew up hoping that you would go in search of her

Avoca: how was I supposed to do that?!

Jinjer: space pod

Avoca: it got destroyed

Jinjer: then how are you here?

Avoca: how do you know I wasn't sent to this planet?

Jinjer: because I had a chat with your friends over there (points at the gang)

Avoca: ...

Pumpkin: ...hey look I'm sorry, I was just...

Avoca: ...

Nion: am sorry about my sister

Avoca: (looks at 21) so beautiful (whispers)

Pumpkin: ...(mind) why don't you call me that?

Avoca got up and walked over to the gang

Bulma: what do we do?

Vegeta/goku: ...

Avoca: kakarot, instant transmission to namek and use their dragon balls to restore earth

Goku: your smart Avoca
(uses instant transmission)

Avoca: no kakarot it was just common sense

21: a-avoca

Avoca healed her and put her down

21: thanks (hugs him)

Avoca: (hugs back) ....

Niun woke up and walked over, nion pulled her away and told her to apologize and told her why, niun accepted

Niun: hey Avoca

Avoca: what do you want? (deep voice)

Niun: ummm, I'm sorry, I didn't know you would get that mad

Shortly after Avoca reverted back to base form and leaned against 21 and kissed her which not only made the female Saiyan's jealous but also a female android in the gang

21: avoca I'm sorry
(sad tone, nearly about to cry)

Avcoa: sorry for what?!

21: for being weak

Avcoa: ...(picked her up like a princess)

Avoca then walked over to Aspara who had mint and avoca signaled him to give 21 mint and Aspara obviously gave his mother his mint and shortly after Avoca flew away, with his newborn daughter and his wife

21: where are you taking us, everything is destroyed

Avoca: in a bit kakarot will restore everything

21: oh...

Avcoa then stopped flying and landed on the ground

Avcoa: I've never told you but the thing is, I don't care if you're strong or not, being strong doesn't attract me, so don't think I won't like you because your weak

21: (mind) weak, he called me weak, he always says he hates weak humans, I'm a human

Avoca: 21, hello, are you ok

21: you called me weak

Avoca: ...

21: you always say you hate weak humans

Avcoa: you're an android

21: ...

Avoca: ok, ok, don't make it sound like that

Avcoa pulled her close to him and hugged her

Avcoa: I love you

21: I love you to (mind) I'm sorry but I'm going to have to do it
Power levels:

Avoca (base): 150 quadrillion

21: 65 quadrillion

Pumpkin (base):  100 quadrillion

Nion/niun (ssj): 4 quintillion

Niun/nion (base): 80 quadrillion

Goku (ssgss): 8.5 quintillion

The Evil Saiyan AvocaWhere stories live. Discover now