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"She's in. Move on to phase three," Robin ordered, her voice carrying softly through the supercom.

"Copy, initiating phase three," you replied, putting down the com before you plugged in the amp.

"Let's hope they hear this," Dustin sighed, turning the volume all the way up, causing feedback to crackle out from the amp. Dustin sent Eddie a nod as a signal to begin playing.

You looked down at your wrist to glance at your matching friendship bracelet that you and Chrissy once shared. You looked back up to meet eyes with Eddie, a determined look in your eyes as you spoke, "For Chrissy."

Eddie removed his guitar pick necklace from off of his neck, "For Chrissy," he repeated. He let out a yelp as he began to strum out the chords to some heavy metal song. You thought back to that conversation you had in the boat house, and you remembered Eddie mentioning a Metallica song, Master of Puppets, or something like that. You assumed that this must've been the song Eddie was beginning to rock out to.

As Eddie got into the performance, you and Dustin began to jump up and down. You hoped that you all would make it out of this so you could see Eddie play with his band. But you were sure there was no topping this. After all, this was the performance of a lifetime.

The sound of the bats' shrieking pulled you out of your thoughts, "Eddie!" you and Dustin shouted out at the same time.

"We gotta lock down in T-minus 30 seconds!" Dustin shouted, making a 3-0 with his hands. Eddie sent the two of you a nod of understanding as he continued to play.

"T-minus 20!" Dustin continued. Eddie sent an acknowledging glance before returning to shredding what you assumed was a guitar solo.

"T-minus 10!" Dustin yelled out, "Five! One!" he counted down. Eddie ended the solo, the sound of the final note reverberating around the area.

"Move! Move! Move!" Eddie shouted as the three of you jumped down onto the roof of a truck and then onto the ground. You all quickly sprinted to the trailer, shutting the fence just as the bats reached it. Once you were all inside the trailer, Eddie slammed the door shut. The sounds of the bats shrieking echoed around the trailer.

"Dude! Most metal ever!" Dustin's panting quickly turned into a shout as he praised Eddie.

"Oh my... Oh my God!" Eddie hollered, the three of you jumping up and down in excitement. Eddie patted Dustin on the head and gave you a one-armed hug.

The brief joy of the moment was cut short when everyone remembered the current danger that was thrashing around just on the other side of the trailer. The three of you got into a defensive stance, standing back to back. The sound of the bats banging on the trailer left you no comfort as sweat began to build up on your palms, causing your grip to loosen on your weapons.

All of a sudden, the slamming stopped. "Hey, dipshits! Give up that easy, huh?" Dustin shouted.

"Is that really necessary?" Eddie shushed in a quiet tone. After he finished talking, clanging began to sound out on the roof. "They're on the roof," Eddie mumbled out, putting your thoughts into words.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit," Dustin whispered. The three of you left your back-to-back position and moved into a tip-toe as you all walked over to a vent on the ceiling.

"They can't get in through there, can they?" you asked. And if it were on cue, one of the little bat fuckers burst through, letting out a shrill screech as it did so.

love will tear us apart | eddie munson x cheerleader!readerWhere stories live. Discover now