Twenty one

119 1 0

Yasaniy Bells ( A month later )

"Your total will be 28.99 " I told one customer

" hey are you guys hiring and what's the age limit " I looked at her she looked about 16/17

" you have to be 16 I can grab you a application from the back if you'd like "

Seeing her shake her head yes I then went to the back and grabbed her the application

" here you go " she picked it up and said thanks then left

It's been a month since me and messiah been dating it's been going well we got into a few

Little arguments but they were over petty stuff other than that everything's been good

" ayo lemme get my little sister something out of here "

I looked to see some light skin with some tattoos come in he was cute but not my messiah cute

" yoo worker girl what perfume is on sale"

Looking everywhere trying to find worker girl cause last time I checked my named tag said Yasaniy not worker girl

So I decided to ignore him I guess that made him mad because he came up to me

" I know ya rude ass heard me "

Rolling my eyes at him I said " yea I did but I was trying to find worker girl cause it wasn't me "

" my bad " he looked at my named tag
" Yasaniy"

" mmmmh " pointed to those the perfume that was on the left shelf

" those sprays over there are on sale "

Walking away from him he started to follow me

" you must be that lil niggas girlfriend "

" I don't know what little nigga your talking about because my nigga definitely big "

" bitch ya nigga definitely a pussy you needa fuck with a nigga like me "

" watch that bitch word I'll have my man come down here and beat ya ass"

" man ain't nobody scared of messiah and since you wanna threaten me watch yo back "

" oh so now you threatening me "

" yea dumb hoe and tell him Quran sent the message "

He then walked out knocking stuff off the shelves

Just then Jackie walked in with food

" Bitch what happened here " she said looking at the mess

" girl I'm not even in the mood to explain the whole thing lemme pick this stuff up " I was so aggravated

" girl no it's fine I got it here go eat this lunch I brought you "

Grabbing the food not before saying thanks and going on my lunch break

As I was eating messiah facetimes me

....................... connecting .....................

" wassup love you on break "

" yea I'm eating lunch right now " I said showing him my food

" oh why buy lunch I could've stopped by and brought you something "

" oh I didn't buy it  jackie did "

" oh ok but why can't I see you "

" aren't you driving you don't need to see me only the road "

" Yasaniy if you don't put your face in the camera "

" if I don't what you gonna do " I smirked to myself

" I'm gonna put you in that position I had you in this morning "

I stopped smirking and put my face in the camera

" oh yea some nigga came to my job threatening me and knocked everything over "

" what nigga " I noticed he stopped his car

" some Nigga name quan or-"

" Quran " he said cutting me off

" what he say to you " I can tell he was about to snap at any minute

" he said something like how I need to watch my back and that I could do better and that your a pussy "

Looking at the screen he was definitely pissed but he let out a sigh and started driving again

" Ight ima handle everything and uhh you staying with me next couple of days "

" nah it's ok I'll stay with Jackie " I said

" nah your not because Jackie won't be home she's going to stay with juju "

" ok so I'll stay home by myself then "

" if I said your staying with me then your staying with me that's it "

Before I could even respond he hung up

Just as I was about to get up I see kesha come up to my table Her stomach was showing a little

" listen I don't want any trouble I just wanted to know if you heard from your brother "

" nah I haven't why "

" we'll I'm 2 months pregnant and my doctors appointment is coming up and I been try to get a hold of him "

" how long as it been since you last talked to him "

" like 2 weeks ago he already was mad about some thing that happened with y'all's momma "

Nodding I let her continue

" and so I let him come over my house and then he stayed over then said your mom needed him and ever since I haven't heard from him "

" have you checked the house "

" yea I did but everytime I go over there your momma says he's not home or that he don't wanna talk to me "

Signing " listen I haven't talked to my brother in a month I don't really know what's going on with him and I kinda don't care "

" i-" before she could continue I said

" I don't even live there anymore either I think it's best if you just leave it and I'm sure Henry will come around "

" listen I know we got off on the wrong foot but ever since I've been with your brother I haven't been around kayla and them "

" me and your brother been very happy so for him to not want to speak to me has me a little worried "

I looked at her for a second she seemed sincere and wasn't up to nothing but I was a still unsure

" listen take my number number and I'll try to go over there but I can't make any promises "

" thank you I know you probably don't like me but I don't have any family but this  baby and Henry kayla and them dropped me once I said I didn't want have an abortion "

Not saying anything else because none of that kayla stuff is any of my business I did feel bad tho but nothing I could really do

" no problem let me know when your appointment is I'll come with you "

" really I'll definitely appreciate that "

" yea no problem we'll I have to get back to work so I'll text you "

Hood love Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon