Fantastic 🤍

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Pierre and Océane finally saw each other once they both made it to the meeting point.

"Hello beautiful." Pierre mumbled pulling Océane into a warm and welcoming hug.

"Let's go this way." Pierre said taking hold of Océane's hand and lightly dragging her the way. He took her through a few alleyways which lead them straight to this beautiful beach.

The sea was calm and as blue as you would expect from Italian water. There was cliffs surrounding this sort of cove, with trees and plants adding the perfect amount of detail. The sand was soft and hot, the sun has been beating down on it all day long, especially during the peak of the day.

They sat on the soft sand, Océane laying down the hoodie which she had tied around her waist.

"How's your day been?" Pierre asked, turning his body to be facing Océane straight on. She took a little minute to think, before deciding to completely lie to him.

"It's been great, how's your day been?" Once again returning the question.

"My days been okay, I've missed you though." The French man said moving the fly away hairs from her face, admiring her beauty for as long as he could. She had a soft smile on her face, one which he couldn't resist.

"May I?" Pierre asked, tapping her lips with his finger. She nodded quickly in response, no words needed to be said.

They once again came together, their lips passionately sliding against the other. Her hands ruffled Pierre's hair slightly.

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Who is this



Pierre 🤭


Shut up Lando

NAHH I just remembered you
were in his bed this morning.

I'm going to puke

At least i'm getting bitches

You've got zero? If i'm correct

You would be wrong

I wouldn't

Actually Océane we never
talked about that post. Are
you okay?

Could be better, it's just really
draining knowing that if i ever
wanted a thing with Pierre, I
couldn't? All these people, fans
seem to think that they own you
guys, and i don't know my feelings
on it

Yeah i know what you mean
Ocea, luckily i've been dealing with
it for a while, and I can happily tell
you that it does get better. If you and
Pierre become a thing, and make
it public eventually, fans will get
angry yeah. I don't know why but
they will.

You've got to persevere through it,
you are such a strong person.

you will get through it, but it's
kinda bizarre fans think we're
dating, like we've not been hanging
out for years and years

Lando you're so sweet

im glad you're my friend 🤍

actually remember like 2 years ago,
when we went to London and some
girl made a tiktok about how we were
making out on the bar, but then
proceeded to show a video of two
random people. that was embarrassing
because people believed her until
some person with common sense was
like, « are you blind? »

I remember that

back when i wasn't all five
members of One Direction
in Formula 1

me and pierre are going to leave
the beach now and walk back , will
see you tomorrow Lando

sleep well x

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