Yeji - The Manager

Start from the beginning

The girls all turned around when they noticed two new people in the room. The two that were sitting now stood and they all came over to where I was standing. "Hello, sorry to disturb you, this is your new security guard/manager" the tall guy said politely. They stood in a line and from what I remember looking at on Google, they were stood in age order. In unison they said loudly "Hello, All in us, we are Itzy!" it was lowkey cute, I thought to myself as I smiled at them.

Taking a step forward I held my hand out to the the first girl which I believed was Yeji. Introducing myself "Hello, I am Y/N. Hopefully we all get along well and work hard. I will do my best to keep you safe" doing a small bow to her and softly shaking her hand. I realised standing this close to the group just how stunning they all were. Each with their own uniqueness, Yeji's eyes were fierce, intense and very cat like. It was intimidating until she smiled and opened her mouth. Yeji brightly said back "Hello, my name is Yeji, I am the leader" (I was right in my assumption) I almost got lost in my thoughts, her voice was sweet and when she smiled it made me melt. Quickly gathering myself, hopefully no one noticed and Swiftly moved to the next girl.

*nobody pov*
But she did.....she saw...

Y/N pov*
Saying our hellos and introducing ourselves moving down the line bowing and shaking hands. Lia was an angel, Ryujin was definition of girl crush and had a certain aura, Chaeryeong was kind of shy but lovely and Yuna just seemed to ooze confidence but not in a narcissistic way. Had I not known before hand, I definitely wouldn't have said she was the maknae.

After our greetings they said they must continue with their dance practice. I went and plonked myself down on the sofa, taking a paper cup and getting some water out of the dispenser on the way. I needed to clear my head, Yeji was still on my mind. This had never happened before, how had she already rooted into my mind like that. I'm supposed to be professional. As I relaxed and watched the group dance, I realised they were extremely talented and hard working, being very attentive to one another, it was great to see every run through going hard as if it was a performance. Yet again I caught myself watching Yeji though, showing her leadership qualities making sure to watch the videos back, looking for where they could improve, constructively criticising the group, even herself. As if sensing, Yeji looked in my direction and we locked eyes for a brief moment, she threw me a smile and winked cutely. My heart just skipped a beat. The rest of the girls must have seen and chuckled quietly, I internally screamed 'wtf'. Is she playing with me? Testing me? Or was she just being friendly?

*Nobody pov*
Yeji knew what she was doing though. The last employee she got in trouble. Yeji messed with him teased him all in good fun ofcourse, being a jokester and being her endearing self. He went obsessive fanboy mode and couldn't keep it professional, started to get a bit scary and intense. Yeji hadn't felt anything for him, I mean she was into girls. Unfortunately he was shown the door for not doing his job. However when she had shook Y/N hand she had already felt a spark from her.

*time skip* Y/N pov
It was beginning to get late in the day, the choreographer said the dance practice was over. One by one each girl got up to leave together, however Yeji was still going over some stuff. One of the other managers called my name "Y/N it looks like Yeji isn't done, can you stay here with her while we take the others back to the dorm?" She asked.
"Yeah no problem, I don't mind." I replied.

They had all left which just meant Yeji and I were the only ones in the room. At this point she was just playing around with choreo to random songs. Guess she loved dance. I was pretty impressed with how she flowed so effortlessly. From the brief time I've spent in this room watching the practice. She had a completely different personality when dancing, it seemed there was a stage persona which was fierce, powerful and confident and her off stage where she was a goofball, clumsy and soft.

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