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Months ago
I was sixteen
Just like you.

But I got  a cold welcome
Into the life of maturity.
You are sixteen too;
How were you celebrated?

Water ushered me in;
What about you?
It would be injustice
If you had ended the day without being wet.

So I'm asking you again;
Are you welcomed already?
Are you sixteen?


They make you
They change you
Influence you;
And sometimes mar your destiny.
They are called friends.

They shape you,
Refine you
And sometimes deform you;
Friends are they called.

Prolly' the only family
That wasn't heaven made.
Friends are like family;
They help you up the ladder,
Only if you choose wisely.

They are the handpicked family;
The same handpicked family
We always coveted.
Choose wisely.

Be wise.
Be wise in all you do;
Your actions, thoughts
Good friends would come.
Sugar attracts ants, they say.

Prolly' the safest way
To end up with the safest choices,
Is to choose wisely.

Choose and choose wisely;
It keeps bad eggs away.

Never be the chosen one;
Make your choices;
Choose the right friends.


Dear soulmate.
Ages since our last conversation
And I'm happy now;
Happy I can still share stuffs,
Like before.

'Twas really a crazy parting;
The violence and all.
Glad we met again.

Dear soulmate;
Guard your little soul,
Shield it from wolves.
O! hope you decipher
The wolves in all forms;
Even those clothed like sheeps.

You are so dear,
Still so dear to my heart;
Never thought about the distance.

The best.
The best of all friends;
You are the best,
You deserve the best too.
Don't settle for less.

Make the right choices;
Yeah, you'll fail anyways.
Yet we move again;
We'll learn, both of us;
Till we get it right.

I won't implore you
To become a loner
Just like me;
I don't enjoy it either.
Search for qualitative folks
Folks who understand it;
Understand love itself.

Never get influenced
By pitiful peer pressure;
It kills.
Be your biggest influencer,
Your biggest critic,
Your biggest fan,
Biggest crush;
'Cos no one does it better, soulmate.


You are a falcon,
Always remember.

Soar with eagles.
You are not a mere bird;
You are a falcon.

Never be the vulture;
Don't scavenge on past glories,
Always kill the prey.

You are not a normal bird,
A falcon.
Not just a falcon;
   The queen
Queen of the skies.

Always remember
You are
   A falcon.

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