Chapter One

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Valor held his hand out from beneath the cover of the trees, feeling for the rain that had served as his cover for the attack the night before.

"The rain has stopped." He reported, turning to face the family sitting on the grass behind him. "Now is an opportune time to travel. If you feel up to it, that is."

"Y-yes, let's go. As soon as we can." Lady Aria replied, teeth chattering a bit from the chill in the air. The noblewoman sat huddled at the base of the oak tree they had spent the night beneath, which unfortunately had served as little shelter against the downpour. Her children, a boy and a girl, were tucked into her sides, and the three of them were wrapped in Valor's offered cloak.

The bodies of their captors had been disposed of already, deeper in the woods where they wouldn't run across them. Valor figured the children had been through enough. He wasn't sure if they had managed to sleep through the night, but hopefully they had at least enough energy to make it home.

Valor made his way over, offering the lady a hand to her feet.

"We should be there before nightfall," he told her as it was accepted. "If we walk for most of the day. If we don't make it, though, don't fret, you will be safe to spend another night with me."

"Thank you." Her eyes were warm and filled with gratitude. "I-I can walk, but my children..."

"I can carry them." He offered. Lady Aria reached down to pull her children to her feet, and the older girl stood up without much prompting, but the little boy simply curled up tighter in the grass.

"Emile," she pleaded, and Valor bent down to scoop the boy into his arms.

"I've got him." He assured her as the child cuddled into his chest. She pressed a hand to her chest in relief.

"Thank you."

Valor was quite impressed by the noblewoman's determination (and her stamina) as they traveled, both she and her daughter, Meredith, were able to walk for almost two hours before needing a break. The son, Emile, slept in Valor's arms for the first hour before awaking and insisting on being allowed to walk. Whenever they stopped to rest, Valor passed out some of the rations that the kidnappers had had on them. These three would need all the energy they could get.

It was during one of these breaks that Herobrine came forward and sat down beside him.

"You're doing a wonderful job." He told him. Valor's lips upturned into a smile. He usually tried not to acknowledge his father in front of others - talking to someone they couldn't see usually made them uncomfortable. "You are making good time." He continued. "You should reach their town by midafternoon."

"Good." Valor murmured, reasonably sure that he was far enough from the group that they wouldn't hear him. "They need good food, and a change of clothes before they catch cold."

"And to be home." Herobrine agreed. "How do you feel?"

"I'm fine." Valor rubbed a thumb over the amulet that hung around his neck. "Thank you for your assistance during the battle." Herobrine nodded, looking to the pickaxe that laid beside him.

"I'm sure you would've been fine on your own."

"Probably." Valor agreed. "But I would prefer to avoid being run through." Herobrine coughed.

" is not pleasant." He cast a glance at the Lady and her children. "While it is noble of you to offer your cloak, I cannot help but feel uneasy at you showing your face."

"You never looked any of your rescues in the eye?" Val raised a brow at him. "I'm not concerned about it. I have no reason to think they would hurt me."

Labor of the Lonely HeirOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant