"Morning mama" he mumbles

"Morning bambino"



"Mayas here, I thought she was at the station" in their own little bubble they didn't realise that a certain blonde was waking up beside them. Before Carina could answer she did.

"I was at work but now I'm snuggling with my girlfriend and my little man" she tiredly spoke. Wrapping her arms around both Italians still tried from last night.

"Mama? Is Maya my mommy?" Matteo innocently asks.

Carinas eyes go wide and Maya freezes but is definitely awake now looking down at Matteo's little face as he looks up at his mama.

"Uhh what makes you ask that bambino?"

"Well Maya takes care of me like you do. She reads me bedtime stories. She is here all the time and she gives me snuggles and loves me like you do." He comes out with as if it was obvious. Playing with his teddy bear ears nervously fearing he has said something wrong.

Both adults have tears in their eyes. Not knowing what to say. Matteo thinks he is in trouble so quickly makes his way out from in between them and runs to the living room.

Coming back to reality Maya and Carina just look at each other having a silent conversation knowing what needs to be done.

Getting out of bed Maya puts on shorts and an oversized t shirt. Making their way towards the little sobs and sniffles that belong the Matteo Carina scoops him up and he curls into her knee.

"Hey why the tears bubs" Maya puts on her softest voice and wipes his tears from his eyes but the just keep coming. Maya pulls both Carina and Matteo on top of her and she leans back into the sofa.

"I'm so sorry. Don't be mad. I don't want to be in trouble" he stuttered out not looking at the two adults. Confused looking at each other Maya and Carina are at a loss. A question that they both knew would come up eventually and have both talked about it together. They decided that they weren't going to force anything onto Matteo. It was his choice if he wanted to call Maya mommy or any other name.

Taking a deep breath "okay bello I need you to look at me and take a deep your going to make yourself sick. We are not angry or mad or upset with you. Okay" Carina spoke softly and calmly trying to get her little man to calm down.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to know" Matteo managed to get out through hiccups.

"And that's okay. You can ask as many questions as you like Matteo you know that. You can come to mama for any and everything okay" Matteo just nodded rubbing his face into his mamas chest needing comfort. Maya reached round Carina and put her hand on his back rubbing it up and down. The brunette tilted her head back to look at the blonde. Silently nodding saying she was okay with what's to come next out of the captains mouth.

"Buddy can you look up at me for a second" Matteo hesitantly looked up, looking between his mama and Maya. "I love you so so much. I love you like you are my own. My own little Prince. If you want to call me mommy then it will be the biggest honour hearing you call me that. That is such a special name for you to call me. Is this something you want to do, call me mommy?" Matteo eagerly nodded reaching up to be cuddle by Maya. His mommy.

There wasn't a dry eye in the apartment. Carina was overwhelmed by the love that her two favourite people shared. Maya was over joyed, if you told Maya that she would be called mommy 6 months ago she would have laughed in your face and told you to piss off but she couldn't be happier. Matteo was just happy he could call Maya mommy. Even though he is only three he had though of Maya as his mommy for a while. He just didn't know how say it or ask for it.

Maya and Carina: Alternate Universe Where stories live. Discover now