{NingRina} - when you get hurt by fans

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"This is going to be the best week ever!" You excitedly said as your girlfriends got out of the cab with you.

NingNing leaned in and gave you a soft kiss on your cheek before she and Karina grabbed the bags from the driver while you continued to look at pictures of the place you'll be staying at for the next few days.

The three of you are going on vacation together.

It's the first one you're going on in what feels like forever.

That's why you're so excited.

That's why you're in such a hurry as you grab your bags from Karina and put them over your shoulder before watching her and NingNing the same and then taking their hands into yours.

"Hurry up!" You excitedly said, making them both giggle before walking with you.

What makes this vacation extra special is that no one but the company and the girls knows.

So, you both thought that you'd be able to slip into the airport, board your flight, and then head off to Venice - your beautiful and romantic vacation spot.

However, somehow your flight got leaked, and when the three of you walked into the airport you realized that this wouldn't be as peaceful as you thought it would be.

Fans of your girlfriends were crowded around the airport.

They all screamed loudly upon seeing them enter the airport and they quickly began to swarm around the three of you.

Your relationship with Karina and NingNing is very public at this point.

At first, when it got revealed, a lot of people were quick to judge and tell you that it wouldn't ever work.

But here you are now, ten months later, still going strong and falling even more in love with each other.

Your relationship might not be ideal to some and some people out there might not support or understand it.

But the three of you are happier than ever and with all of the support you get, you don't feel afraid or bothered by people's opinions.

However, with such a public relationship, there can be chaos and some downsides.

And this is one of them.

You're not sure how these fans found out that you'd all be departing for a flight, but it shouldn't surprise you, as you've learned that privacy doesn't exist very much with the life your girlfriends live.

That's fine. You understand.

But it doesn't make it any easier in moments like these.

You could feel your heart pounding against your chest as the fans screamed into your ear, tugging at your girlfriend's free hands in excitement as they try to touch them and hug them.

It was overwhelming and your ears rang when they finally stopped screaming into your ear.

However, when the screaming into your ears stopped, they started to try and get to you.

As NingNing and Karina held your hands tighter, both for their peace of mind and yours, the fand started to try and pull you away to get to them.

"It's not much further to the check-in. We can go check in and then board the plane right away. It's just right up there." NingNing said as she squeezed your hand.

"It's okay, baby. We've got you." Karina said.

But they didn't.

At least, not as much as they thought.

Because the fans gave up on pulling you away and instead started to tug at your clothes, causing the sleeve of your sweater to be torn off.

You gasped but not just because of that.

But also because they were now tugging at your hair.

Tugging at it so hard that you winced in pain and ended up letting go of your girlfriend's hands to try and push these fans' fingers away.

"Ow!" You groaned.

Karina and NingNing quickly noticed and their hearts started to jump in their hests with fear upon watching you be pulled by the fans before you ended up falling, tripping over someone's feet.

You fell onto the ground, landing on your stomach.

There wasn't much pain. It was more shocking and scary than anything else.

But you did feel a little pain in your wrist.

You hadn't hurt it enough to go to a hospital. It was broken or fractured. It just felt like you landed on it and it was just sore.

But the sight of you wincing and being hurt by fans made your girlfriends furious.

And they didn't hold their anger back at all.

"Hey!" Karina yelled. "Leave her alone!"

She and NingNing rushed over to you, gently placing their hands on you.

"Are you okay, sweet girl?" NingNing asked as she helped you sit up.

"I think so." You quietly answered.

"Don't you ever get that close to Y/N again! I know you're all excited to see us. If you stand back and take pictures, we can deal with that. But you were just physical with our girlfriend. You hurt her and that is not acceptable!" Karina angrily said.

"We love our fans but you can't invade our privacy like this and going after our girlfriend and crossing lines like this don't just hurt her, it hurts us. All four members. Please, just give us some space. Show us some respect and leave our girl alone." NingNing pleaded.

"Hw's your wrist, baby? Do you need to go to the hospital?" Karina softly asked.

You shook your head and she and NingNing both breathed out a sigh of relief.

"I'm just shaken up. Can we please go?"

"Of course, sweet girl," NingNing said.

"Come on, baby. We'll help you up and we'll go check in and board the plane. It'll be alright." Karina promised and then gave you a kiss on your forehead before she wrapped one arm around you before NingNing did the same.

"Just stay back and let us be. Please." Karina begged.

"It's going to be a great week, my love. So forget about all of this. You're safe and sound with us and we're still going to have a wonderful and romantic vacation together." NingNing reminded you with a big smile on her face.

And when your eyes met, yours lit up to shine just as brightly as hers.

She was completely right.

You wouldn't let this ruin your vacation and with your girlfriends by your side, nothing like this will ever happen to you again.

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