Ayuna's life XIII

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"This shit is bad..."


~'•°|third P/O/V|°•'~

' Just how did this happen?!'

Ayuna was asking herself the same question over and over again. She didn't know about a shit here.

~'•°| Y/N P/O/V |°•'~

"Umm ... Hello ?!" The wall said .
"What now!"
"Hey don't shout ! And i was asking WHO ARE YOU ?!" The wall shouted at me .
" IM AYUNA YOU STUPID BUT I CAME FROM THE PAST !" i shouted back . I had enough of this i need an explanation . " What ?..."

"Yeah you heard me , i came from the past and I don't know how i came here ." I explained everything to him and he looked shocked . And don't ask me how i saw his face i don't know that too.
" So you don't know anything about your powers ?" He asked . "What powers ?"

Im getting frustrated now , what powers ?.
" You don't know that too? "
" No ..."
"I don't think i can explain but all i can say is that you have powers of time traveling and talking to things."
"Wait why can't you explain?" I asked curiously . Why cant he ?
" Your future self was expecting for this to happen . So she told me not to tell you anything expect your powers. "
" ... "i just stayed silent.

And after that i never asked about my powers .

{ There's gonna be so much time skips so bare with it , ok? :) }


2 years time skip ~ 👁️👄👁️

*Ringg* *Ringg*
"Ugh ... School ..."
I open one eye to look at the time and it was ..." ITS 7:30 ! THE BUS " i rush out of my bed and go to the bathroom.
But when i entered it everything went black for seconds that i almost was going to faint .

(The people who has anemia will understand 💔🚬🗿)

After i prepared my self for school i looked at the time and it was 7:40 .
" Great ! Now i have to walk to school ...
UGH I HATE MY LIFE " well unfortunately the stupid bus forgot me he even didnt come to the bus stop ...
Well , now i have to walk to school .

While im walking i noticed that my favourite cafe is surrounded by the police . So i just wanted to check what happend there but one of the police mans stopped me and said " kid you can't enter there , the kids are not allowed to enter. "

He said it with a mocking tone .
' its time to lie '
" First of all im not a kid and second im your police chiefs daughter and third ill tell my dad to fire you ." ' now im sounding like a spoiled brat ... Well i am spoiled but not brat hahaha ...haa'
" And how can i believe you kid " he said while pointing at me . Oh god what do i do what do i do ?!!'

'wait.. i have an idea !' finally i will enter and see what's inside . And lets begin " oh what is that !" I pointed at a nearby tree when he turned around i hit him on the neck and he lost consciousness.
"I should have done that earlier..."
And then i got inside .

When i got in there you won't believe what i saw .
It was a bloody moody hoody boody loody
Murder .
"Oh you must be the teenage detective, Ayuna sasaki ." A police man said . When i turned around it was " j-james" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear me . ' ah shit , here we go again...'

And yup i did it again. I mumbled some character's name . " May i know how do you know my name ?" He asked and i had the perfect answer for that . " O-oh sorry , you just look like my uncle , hahaha" i said acting nervous. Well actually i was. He just nodded .

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