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(I would recommend watching my tiktok beforehand just ignore the music😭)
(y/n) pov
(tw eating disorder, bullying, bigger girl:) )

I followed behind my group as we all paid for our lunch, I decided just to grab an apple. As we all sat down I heard the group of jocks making pig sounds, I turned around and they all started laughing. At this point I was already used to it. Eddie sat at the head of the table like always, a king like he says.
He was going on about how this year was going to finally be his year. One of the boys started eating and everyone followed him after that. I saw everyone's trays, filled with lunch while I just bit into my sour apple. My stomach turned with each bite.
I saw Eddie staring at me, with each bite he grew furious. Eddie knew about my bullying and how much it affected my eating habits.
I quickly got up without saying anything and before I could see, a cheerleader tripped me. I landed flat on my face, I felt the sting of pain flood my lip. The taste of iron filled my mouth, I stood up and ran towards the girls bathroom.
I looked at myself in the mirror, I've always been on the thicker side and it never bothered me until I started comparing myself with all the girls in Hawkins High. Tears flooded my eyes and streamed down my face.
"(Y/n)?" asked a familiar voice, "Are you in here?"
Before I could answer Eddie entered the girls bathroom with his hands covering his eyes. I chuckled, "Eddie, it's only me."
Eddie smiled and uncovered his face, "Hey beautiful, you okay?"
I shook my head, "No... It actually hurts."
Eddie walked closer and grabbed a paper towel, he dabbed it with water and cleaned my lip up, "It looks hot on you."
"Shit stings! Ow." I winced, "I hate this school."
"I do too. I'm sorry they're treating you like this. They're assholes." said Eddie putting a hair behind my ear.
I gave him a weak smile, "How do you deal with all this bullying?"
"I don't give a single shit what they say, I know it's not true so why believe them." replied Eddie
I turned around and looked in the mirror, what was wrong with me?
"Stop, stop it. I hate how you're constantly judging yourself (y/n). Don't act like I haven't seen you throwing your lunch without taking a single bite." said Eddie raising his voice
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't fucking play with them on this shit," said Eddie, "You can't do this."
"Eddie, please not now."
I pushed my way out and walked towards my next class. Eddie was right in a way but I still had those horrible words swimming around my head.

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