We'll Meet Again...

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Dee shifts his bag hanging from his shoulder, waiting on the side of the sidewalk for Lif to join him. After befriending the girl, they had become close, walking home with each other everyday. When they can't hangout during the day, they would meet at night, heading to the cemetery and just talk. The two had begun to put a playlist of music together for them to listen to during these hangouts, though Dee would never admit this to his family. One song in particular stuck out to the two, and quickly became what they called "their song" however. "Vera Lynn- We'll meet again", although from 1939, always managed to play, even though the playlist had atleast 100 songs in it. Because of that, they had decided to accept fate, and made it their song. Snapping out of his imagination, Dee realized Lif still was not around. He thinks back through the day, trying to see if he had seen her at all, but nothing comes up. She must have been sick, that wouldn't be the first time that happened. Shrugging it off, Dee hits shuffle on his playlist, the song coming up immediately. He chuckles at the coincidence, and begins to walk home, to relax before heading to the cemetery that night.

Dee glances at his phone, checking the time for the 13th time. He could hear Heavy snoring next door, but didn't want to risk getting caught by his father, or worse, his mother. Shivering, he grabs his black leather jacket and takes a breath before opening the window, climbing out of his room. It wasn't the first time he'd done this, and it sure wouldn't be the last. There might've been an easier way (downstairs, so he didn't have to jump off the overhang, perhaps), but he had a routine, and he didn't want to break it. Off the overhang, through the gate, and off to the graveyard, everything was going as it always does. Getting out of the house was the hard part, now Dee only had to worry about not twisting his ankle hopping over the graveyard fence, which usually was no problem. Sure, he'd fail to catch his footing, and faceplant on the other side, but that was on rare occasions. After getting over the fence without a hitch, he made his way over to the tree on the hill, overlooking the mausoleum. Reaching the top of the hill, however, he found nothing but an empty space. Dee looked around, expecting Lif to be hiding somewhere, ready to scare him, but there was no one around. He'd only ever been in the cemetery alone a handful of times, but it never failed to make him uneasy. How did Lif find it so comforting? Dee grabs his phone, going to message her, while pacing idly. After a few minutes of no answer, he decided to head home, disappointed to not see his friend.

Dee wakes up to Heavy yelling at his teammates in his game, commanding them about. He rubs his eyes before stretching, still wearing the clothes from last night. It's not like anyone had seen him wear it, so he decided to keep it on. Dee glances at the clock beside him to find it to be 11:47 a.m.. As he walks down stairs to grab leftovers, he checks his phone for a message from Lif, but to no avail. Dee's stomach twisted, now nervous. Usually, the two would never go more than a day before responding to a message, so did Lif to go 2 days without a word made Dee's mind race with possibilities. Without thinking, Dee grabs his house keys, and decides to visit Lif. It wouldn't be the first time he would go to her house and steal her food, as she did the same to him. As he walks down the sidewalk, he sends the girl another text, with no reply once again. Sending Dee into a panic, he quickens his place as his mind races. Did something happen to her? Is she grounded? He would get SOMETHING to let him know she's ok, so for her to completely ghost him is unlike her. He quickly gets knocked out of his thoughts when he is stopped in his tracks by the sight of a moving truck outside of Lif's house.

As if all of his effort had gone into moving, Dee forces himself to walk towards the house, his face pale white. She has never mentioned moving, especially not to him. Where did this come from? As if by chance, Lif walks out of the house, holding boxes while speaking to her father. Dee doesn't speak, yet gets her attention, the girl stopping in her tracks.
"Dee?" She questions, not expecting to see the boy. Millions of thoughts and questions rush through his head, only able to say a single question.
"When... How long did you know?" He asks, quietly. She looks down, as if trying to find the best way to put her next words. "Dee, I... I'm so sorry." Is all she can say.
"HOW LONG. HAVE YOU KNOWN." Dee persists, raising his voice as he holds back tears in his eyes. Lif, not able to do the same, starts to cry.
"I just didn't want to hurt you. I thought... If I just let quietly, you'd be fine." She explains, striking Dee in the heart with her words at his realization.
"You're just like everyone else." Dee spits, letting a tear fall before turning his back and leaving. The sound of items hitting the ground can be heard as Lif cries out to him, but he didn't react. He thought she was different, but it was all lies.

The front door slamming open can be heard and felt throughout the house as Dee throws his keys aside, not caring whether they land on the holder or not. Glam and Vicky come out of their respective rooms at the sound, but no reaction comes from him. Entering his room, Heavy asks Dee something, but doesn't register. He shuts his door, throwing his things aside. He stands at the window sill, feeling numb before collapsing to his knees, letting all the pent up anger and sadness come out in the form of tears. He trusted Lif. She was the first person he thought he could trust again, letting her in. He loved her. It was childish love, but love nonetheless. She was his best friend, and she left him. She's just like everyone else. She was no better. Dee's phone lets off several notifications, but he ignores them, putting on a playlist of songs to try and calm down. He curls into a ball, sitting in the window, the place that he was comforted by, putting his head in his knees. Listening to the song playing hits him like a truck as he realizes what is playing. He chuckles, feeling that he can't get away from that special girl. "We'll meet again... Don't know where... Don't know... when..." Dee sings, with a shaky voice, his head resting backwards. "But I know we'll meet again some sunny..." He tries to continue, but fails as he continues to cry. Heavy peaks his head through the door, looking at Dee before carefully entering his room, knowing full well the consequences of his actions.
"Dee..? Are you okay?" Heavy asks, making his way to Dee. The blond boy turns to look at the younger, and instead of yelling, hugs the boy. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." Dee repeats as he cries into Heavy's shoulder, the ginger boy trying to comfort his brother. It's the least he can do.

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