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TW abusive parents

I woke up to a blinding light being shined in my eyes. The sun from the window was like am alarm clock, and I groaned and pushed my face into his pillow.

I stayed like that for a few minutes, until I heard knocking on the door.

"Hey Harrington, is Eddie, you awake yet?" I heard from behind the door. I grumbled in repose. I heard him chuckle.
"Can I come in?" he said.
"yeahhh.." I groaned.
he swung the door open. he was wearing the clothes he wore last night.
"Afternoon sunshine. you slept for a while." he smiled.
I rolled my eyes at the nickname.
"Hey Munson." I replied sitting up.
he smiled with a toothy grin and sat next to me. "How are you feeling so far?" He asked, with a hint of concern.
I shrugged.
"Fine." I said. I still felt off, like I did last night, but I wasn't tired anymore. that's fine in my book.

he scrunched up my hair. "You working today?" he asked me.
I shook my head.
"Sick. do you want to do something today?"
I shrugged. I wasn't feeling up to doing anything.
But it dawned on me that I just snuck out to stay the night at a friend's house, and my parents are home.
"oh, shit." I mumbled, standing up looking for my things.
Eddie looked concerned. "Oh shit what?" he asked.
"So, I know I'm like an adult and stuff but I snuck out of the house to come here and my dad is going to be royally pissed if he sees I'm not home."
my breathing started to get really heavy and fast. My dad is a royal asshole. Eddie noticed this.
"Hey, calm down, take a breath. What's your dad going to do if he sees you're not home?"
I don't think Eddie wanted to know the answer, so I simply didn't say anything.
I walked out of the room and grabbed my shoes.
"I'm sorry, I really need to go. Thank you for last night." I said before running out the door, leaving Eddie in his house.


I drove all the way home to find my dad standing on the porch with a bottle in his hand.
I parked in my driveway, reluctant to open the door.
He was just standing there. Waiting for me to step inside.
I didn't have any other choice but to take it.
I slowly opened my door, exited my car, and walked up the driveway. I was looking straight down at the pavement.

I knew what was about to happen and so did he.

when I got to the door, he shoved me inside and slammed it behind him.

"Where were you?" he shouted. I tried to speak but my throat was dry. Nothing came out.
"I said, where the fuck we're you?!"
my eyes got wet.
"I went to a friends house" I said quietly.
Dad got in my face.
"Speak up, I didn't hear you." he demanded.
"I stayed, at a friend's house." I raised my voice.

"Did I say you could go anywhere??" he said.
"Then why did you?"
"Because I am an adult and I wanted to!" I snapped.
He shattered the bottle on the counter and pushed me.
"I don't care how old you are boy! you live in my house, I pay for your food and clothes, you need to ask to go places!"
"maybe I would have asked If you hadn't drank yourself to sleep.." I mumbled.
I felt a slap across my face, my skin stinging for a few seconds before I looked back up.
dad grabbed me by the collar.
"Does this need to get ugly?" he said in a threatening tone.
I said nothing and stared at his bloodshot eyes.
"go to your room and don't come out until I say you can." he said. I nodded, and then he pushed me into the wall harder.
"What was that boy? Try that again!"
"yes. sir." I stated. he let me go.

I ran up the stairs and crashed onto my bed, tears streaming down my face.

I never should have left Eddie's house.

I silently cried into my pillow, for what felt like hours.


I suddenly heard the doorbell ring downstairs. I wouldn't have thought too much of it until I heard Eddie's voice when my dad opened up the door.

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