I should apologies. I should do something. We can't just end the night the way we did. I need to go to him. I need to see him. My Erik.

Using most of my strength I slid open the mirror in the Prima's dressing room. I called out to him several times and received no answer. Nothing. Not even a breeze. I thought about going down to his lair myself. I knew the way. I knew how to get there without getting caught in one of his many clever traps. But maybe he didn't want me there. Maybe he was angry at me. Maybe I hurt him.

Oh stupid, foolish Mélodie.

Closing the mirror I walked back through the opera house and to my room with a heavy heart. I miss him. I feel horrible about what happened. I shouldn't have asked. He would have eventually showed me when he felt ready. At least I think so. If not, I would be okay with that. I love him. Every part of him.

"Where have you been?"

I hadn't noticed Violette sitting on her bed when I returned. Her voice startled me, "Why are you awake?"

"I woke up and you were gone. I...I was worried," she fiddled with her hands like she was nervous. Like something bothered her. I had a feeling that something that bothered her wasn't my absence. She has been aware of my nightly outings. I wasn't sure if she knew where I went to but I knew she was aware of it. However, she hadn't voiced her concern about it until now. She repeated her question, "Where have you been?"

"Nowhere, Violette. Go back to sleep," I crawled back into my cold messy bed and faced my nightstand. Erik's crimson rose greeted me. It had started to wither now but I didn't care.

Violette's voice came out hushed and rushed, "He's dangerous, Mélodie. You should stay away from him."


I knew who 'him' was without having to ask her to clarify. I picked up the decaying gift from Erik and placed it next to me on my pillow, "Don't worry, Vi. He doesn't want to see me. Go to sleep."

Perhaps my tears could rejuvenate my dying rose.

* * *

There hasn't been any sign of Erik in days. Weeks. Throughout the day I kept hoping to see a glimmer of his mask or to sense his emerald eyes watching from the shadows. There has been nothing. Not even that tell tale breeze in the Prima Donna's dressing room to tell me he lurked behind the mirror.

On some days I heard him. His music carried itself from below the Opéra Populaire and haunted the silent halls during the night. At first I wasn't sure if I had been hearing things. I thought my body and mind yearned for him so much it started to create things. But one night when I had laid there wide awake and listening I saw Violette sit up and hear it too. She looked terrified. Like she was hearing a ghost. She was. When she had asked me if I heard the same thing I ignored her and pretended I was still asleep.

He went back to haunting my dreams and making reality without him a nightmare.

Tonight my dreams wouldn't allow me to sleep so I got up and left my room. I now stood on the stage overlooking the empty seats.

What I had told Erik was partially true. Facing people has always been difficult for me. My parents would scold me and tell me I needed to get used to it. It was my "duty".

I imagined the lights in my eyes and the orchestra playing below. I began to sing the last song Erik had been teaching me. It had been a difficult song at first but after his training it became as easy as speaking.

I heard the applause of the invisible crowd and bowed low to thank them. When I opened my eyes it all faded away. The grand lights, the beautiful costumes, the sound of the orchestra, the applause.

Who would want to hear a maid sing? Why pay for that?

I didn't want that sort of attention anyways. It was one reason why I left home.

The hairs on my arms stood up and I felt a chill run up my spine. He's there. Somewhere. He's there.

I looked all around trying to find him but the minute I called out his name the feeling of him disappeared. Hearing a creak in the floorboards of one of the overhead walkways I turned towards it. Seeing a figure jump onto a railing I called out, "Erik!"

Footsteps ran above the stage, quickly fading away, "Erik, wait!"

I ran up the steps to find him but he was already gone. I called out again and heard nothing. I waited.


A door.

Which door?


Hearing the breeze I ran down the steps and swung open the door of the Prima's dressing room. It was dark but I could see the mirror was cracked open. He was getting careless.

I pushed it open and stepped inside. But before I could turn around to close it a hand clamped over my mouth. My muffled screams echoed off of the damp walls.

A voice spoke close to my ear, their hand tight over my mouth, "Shut up or he dies."

I stilled. Whoever held onto me smiled, I could feel it against my ear, "Good girl. Going down to see your Phantom lover again?"

I squirmed against the strong grip and yelled against their hand, "Do not touch him!"

The beast elbowed me in my ribs to stop me, "Oh dearest. I'm sure you've done enough touching him for the both of us."

I sobbed against the hand, sharp pains going up my side where they hit me, "Who are you?!"

"You'll know soon enough." It was a man's voice speaking in hushed tones. "Now be a good girl and show me the way to that demon's lair."

I kicked and screamed with all I had. Another sharp pain weakened me as he hit me again and I sagged slightly in his grasp. The monster pushed me in front of him and I unwillingly walked forward. I held my side where he had hit me and looked toward the path that held Erik's many traps. I couldn't let this madman find Erik. I would never forgive myself.

I placed one foot in the direction that would ensure doom for the both of us.


I heard the man cry out and another thud. I turned around in the darkness to see a black figure quickly move around. When the commotion stopped and my eyes adjusted I found that I was standing alone in the damp passageway.

Running back to the mirror I pushed it open and saw nothing but darkness. My aching ribs urgently throbbed so it did happen. I wasn't having a vivid nightmare.


My head whipped back around. Pushing the mirror closed once more I followed Erik's retreating shadow.

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