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I wake up tired. The M-Boys destroyed me... Really, they take the phrase "let's enjoy the parties like it's the last of our lives" seriously.

I stand up stretching, noticing all the painful parts of my body. I look at the window, it was already day... What day is it today? When I look down, I find a girl lying on the floor, no shirt or bra, FUCK! I wipe my eyes and notice she's wearing jeans. Thanks God!
Who is she? I approach, touch her back with my fingertip to try to wake her up.


She wakes up slowly after I poke her several times. She was all disheveled, her red bangs were all up, her makeup was all smudged and she smelled like booze, sooooooo booze.

"Huh? Who... Hero!!!"

She covers herself as soon as she realizes I'm in front of her. I gave her clothes, she covers herself and tries to get up with my help. I didn't understand anything... I don't remember going into the room with her.

"How did you get in here?"


She was more lost than I was. She turns her back to me and hurriedly, puts her clothes on. So I ask the question that's been on my mind since I found her lying on the floor.

"Did we do anything yesterday?..."

"I... I... I need to go."

"Hey... Wait!"

She runs out of the bedroom, I try to go after her. I found my friends lying around the house, all asleep and completely drunk. Who was the mysterious redhead? And, what was she doing without a top and lying on the floor of the room I was in?

I go back there, the house belongs to a friend of ours, I remember I went to the room a little after two in the morning, my head was exploding. The New Year's countdown, the loud music, drinks, women hitting on us, the guys asking me about the old Hero, I didn't want to stay there anymore, question myself so much and I decided went up to one of the rooms. I was drunk, but I would remember to bring someone with me.

"Hey, who was the redhead that ran away?" Félix appears at the door disheveled too, and holding a bottle of something.

"Are you drinking now? It's early in the morning!"

"It's water you idiot. Come on, who's the heart you broke now, London's most romantic guy."

"Shut up! I have no idea who this girl is. I woke up and she was lying on the floor shirtless. I have no idea what she was doing here."

"Hero, Hero... You've been better with certain information..."

I throw the pillow at Félix.

"And the..." I look at him, frowning. I'm sure who he's going to ask. "No news?"

"No, since my embarrassing audios at Christmas, and..." Félix is ​​the only one I can talk to about Jô, maybe because he know everything from the beginning... And... I don't feel embarrassed to talk about her with him.

"But you deleted those audios!"

"I deleted it, after she deleted the message she sent me in reply..."

"You don't even know what she wrotes!"

"But I remember reading something... I couldn't had dreamed she wrote that she loves me..."

"Hero... Listen." Félix sits next to me on the bed, puts his arm around my shoulders, still holding the blessed bottle of water. "I'm your coolest friend... And the prettiest... As your best friend, I tell you, you'll live... If you're supposed to be together... How did you tell me once? That if nothing went right you two would get married in the end, wouldn't you?"

I shake my head... How can this empty brain of Félix remember these things I tell him? Once, when I was saying goodbye to Jô, we said this to each other... Couple from a movie, right... And that was a promise...

"So, you idiot! For you to be together in the end, nothing can go right! It's obvious isn't it? Following this line of reasoning, you need to live, be with people, meet new people! If not... You will never be able to say that nothing it worked, and you both won't be together in the end!"

I keep staring with an expression of...

"You are crazy!"

Félix laughs, hits my head and leaves the room without saying anything else... Deep down I completely understood what that crazy guy was talking about.


"Drew!!!! Stop throwing popcorn at me!"

We were in another park, this time it was a very fun place, with karaoke, a bar and lots of toys. Drew and I haven't been apart since New Year's. I like having him around, and whenever we can we arrange to go out together. AS FRIENDS. It's always very good, I like him a lot, and I don't want to lose what we have for... Any different feelings that appear... I don't think I'm ready to open up to someone again...

After the messages over Christmas, as soon as I realized I'd said too much, I quickly deleted the message, but it was late in the day, and I was pretty sure Hero had read it. Well, it's all right now, because after I deleted it, he also deleted the two audios he had sent to me...

I think for this to work, we can't let these feelings out... And... For me to try something new... With someone new... I need to let him go...

I look at Drew, who was now trying to get a stuffed animal from those machines that have a big claw:

"I dare you to get this unicorn for me!"

"My love, how can you still doubt Drew here, after all we've been through."

I look into his deep eyes, and I can only smile at him. I love it when he stares back at me without blinking or looking away from mine. I don't know why, but I like that about him.

He drops the animal from the claw.

"Ahhhh! Looks like I can doubt you, little Drew!" He looks at me, approaching.

"Ow I liked that, it was cute! Little Drew... You can call me that when we're getting married."

I laugh as I feel his arm around my shoulders leading me to our friends. We went back to shooting The Other Zoey, and we hung out a lot with all the guys, I think after the cast of After, this is one of my favorite casts, I liked everyone, and I met another special person in my life.

We stopped at a karaoke, we listened to one of our directors sing, or rather yell, Drew pretended he was really enjoying what he was hearing, danced with his hands raised and moving to the rhythm of the music, while my face was desperate, but it was very nice to spend these moments with them.

As soon as we said goodbye to everyone, Drew helped me with my coat before we went to the car.

"Can you give me a ride, Jô?"

"Of course! But you won't get used to it huh? I won't be your private uber!"

"What do you mean? I even deleted my Uber app because you're taking me everywhere I want!"

I laugh. Obviously Drew was making fun of me. He always gave me rides to places, until I bought my car, and I can say that I love driving, and going out on the road aimlessly, just me, my thoughts and my company. But I like to leave my friends in other places... I feel independent, free and I love to feel that.

We arrived at Drew's apartment.

"Do you want to come inside?"

"Hm... I don't think so... It's late and we'll shoot tomorrow morning..."

"More reason for you to come in and... I don't know... Sleep here..."

"What? Without even offering a cup of coffee first? Do you want to take me to your bed?!"

"WOW! Calm down Jô! That moment hasn't arrived yet. There's a guest room my dear..." I start to laugh, I must be very red, but Drew gives me a lot of freedom and I can't control my jokes with him...

"I'm just kidding!" He looks at me smiling.

"Do you really think I, Drew Starkey, would let Josephine Langford lie in my bed?"

"Of course you do!!!"

"Yeah! Of course I do!" I can't stop laughing and he joins in the joke with me. So he takes my hand. And I meet his eyes.

"But seriously... Anytime you want... My apartment is..."


"Totally!" And he kisses my hand. I can't control a small smile on my lips. I get closer to his face and Drew doesn't move. I kiss his cheek fondly, and I notice him sighing as I pull away.

The car was stuffy, the windows fogged up, we couldn't feel the cold weather outside anymore. It was hot.

"Well... Invitation made... I'm leaving then..."

"Maybe another day?"

"Let me know when you get to your house, Jô?"

"Of course!"

"I'm serious! I won't sleep until you tell me! Okay? If I show up at the shoot tomorrow with dark circles under my eyes because I didn't sleep, it will be all your fault!"

"Okay, cowboy!" I gesture like a soldier.

"Hun... I'd rather little Drew..."

"See you tomorrow!"

He closes the car's door and says goodbye until I turn the street.

The next day we were on set, Drew was kind of sleepy in the dressing room after the thousands of texts we exchanged as soon as I let him know that I was home. But we managed to shoot all the scenes for the day.

This movie will be really good! We are very connected and the mood behind the scenes is always very good! I don't want this to end... But I know that, like in After, all good things... Must come to an end... 

Behind the Time - HerophineWhere stories live. Discover now